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- Internal meeting for the "Don't Waste It" campaign
Internal meeting for the "Don't Waste It" campaign
Posted by Sarthak Prasad on July 25, 2022
- Tony Mancuso said that he will take care of the Digital Signage
- He can get the slide (powerpoint) and make changes to dimensions if needed
- Tony will get them out to all communicators on campus and the list-servs
- Chris (from Housing) will handle the Housing Digital Signage
- Morgan asked whether we need to talk to anybody from Public Affairs
- Regarding Branding
- Tony said, "No. This is not a Branding issue."
- Morgan asked Marty Kaufman (from DIA) about Digital Signs
- Marty said that there may be some in the State Farm Center in the lobby area but there are not any at Memorial Stadium
- Group talked about putting messaging on a column
- Morgan wants to wait for a future date
- It could be on the wall/mural at the Waste Transfer Station. Pete Varney said sure
- Homepage for Recycling - the F&S Recycling page - The group talked about making changes to this page to accommoday the "Don't Waste It" campaign.
- single use masks may be pulled soon
- Pete will check on the status of updates to the website
- Adding "Related Resources" to this page
- We will work on making the website mobile-friendly.
- single use masks may be pulled soon
- QR code
- Whether it should go to the F&S website or something specific
- Sarthak Prasad suggested using Webtools
- Tony agreed. He said it would be great if we can manage the QR code and short URL
- Sarthak will create a Short URL and QR code
- Short URL - - created
- Will give access to the communicators on this call
- Reusable or Moveable Bins
- Morgan asked Thurman Etchison (Housing), how many bins would he like? - this is for the Welcome Celebration - expecting about 4-5k students
- Morgan had asked Coca-Cola for 30-50 bins
- Coke will give us these bins and we will have to place them
- Thurman said that
- DIA usually place the bins
- Housing could place and store them for future events
- Thurman had asked Coca-Cola for 20
- Morgan said that Coke will give the bins to Thurman
- Morgan will ask them to give us 30 bins
- Material
- Options: Cardboard or corrugated plastic
- We want corrugated plastic
- Thurman had asked for this already
- Bryan Johnson (Housing) said that we would like to get a sample first before we get all 30
- For the look and size to place on Housing property/Residence Halls
- Options: Cardboard or corrugated plastic
- Blue Bags for recycling
- Morgan asked if all know how to get them
- Pete said that the blue bags are available but BSWs are responsible for providing them
- Reach out to Pete if there are questions
- Morgan asked Thurman Etchison (Housing), how many bins would he like? - this is for the Welcome Celebration - expecting about 4-5k students
- Department picnic (Welcome Celebration) is on August 19 from 11-3 pm
- F&S and iSEE have a table each
- Morgan asked if others have tables
- Dave Guth (Illini Union) said that he will check with Erik Riha
- Morgan asked if others would like the swag/giveaways at other tables or just at the F&S and iSEE tables?
- Tony said that he would rather have them at multiple locations instead of just one or two
- Thurman said the he would prefer to spread the infomration at different locations
- Morgan also asked if we should distribute the swag all year round
- Welcome Celebration - iSEE table - Meredith Moore (iSEE) is looking at it. Tony will be there too.
- Reusable Straws
- Tyler Swanson (student) said that
- Students love free bottles
- reusable straws are not preferred
- cannot clean them in the dorms
- Shreya Mahajan (student) said that students only use the reusable straws once
- Tony said that he agrees with both Tyler and Shreya
- Tyler Swanson (student) said that
- Table Cloth is fine
- Meredith would like someone from Coca-Cola to host the Ted Talk
- Maybe in late fall or early spring
- Corporate sustainability
- Plastic Free Challenge in October and/or April
- Coke could support these as part of the Don't Waste It campaign
- Waste Audit
- Last waste audit was done in 2015 (Illini Union in coordination with ISTC)
- Included RAL, BIF, Illini Union and two other buildings
- monitored 5 days worth of waste
- This time, ISTC says they only need to monitor 2 days of waste
- Dave Guth asked where else we could be targeting. Whether we would want to do the same 5 buildings or add more to them. It would be great if Coca-Cola supports it and funds it too
- Dave talked about coordinating in October. ISTC lost their coordinator
- Focus this fall on the scope, funds, and other details
- Timeline could be Earth Month
- Last waste audit was done in 2015 (Illini Union in coordination with ISTC)
- Coca-Cola needs to spend $15,000 for sustainability on-campus
- Marty Kaufman - They previously provided t-shirts
- Aaron Finder - We have not received any checks since updating the contract
- Morgan White - Can we ask if we didnt receive funding previous year(s), if they can fund/provide funds now?
- Aaron - We can only ask for the current contract?
- Marty Kaufman - Ideally, we can ask the question.