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Revolving Loan Fund Research

Posted by Quinn Connolly on December 5, 2023

Hi Morgan,


I created a spreadsheet of all of the participants of the Billion Dollar Green Challenge. This spreadsheet includes the population size and loan amount. I thought it would be easier to sort through the information with this. I will try to find data about current energy savings to add to this sheet. But almost all of the institutions have very little information about what they have done with the loan amount. And if they do have information, it is minimum 3-5 years old.


I attached that document and my current word document. Still need to add a few more universities, but I wanted to see the numbers clearly before I picked a random one to look into.


According to this data we have the 9th largest loan fund. Ill focus on the rest of the universities above us in the list.




Quinn M. Connolly