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SSC Continues Funding Efforts

Posted by Kiley Miller on January 31, 2012

Energy Services requested clarification about the submittal process for SSC funding of energy projects. SSC’s Program Advisor met with the Energy Services team and F&S contacts to explain the process.

Bicycle Intern Patrick Clark is developing the full proposal for bike parking to submit to SSC in February.  This proposal will include three phases to replace all donut-hole bike parking areas with the campus standards rack.  It will also include a request to fund additional Bike Fix-It stations on campus.

SSC voted to extend the deadline for a pre-existing Bike Sharing Grant, which awarded $10,000, to November 30, 2012.

As mentioned, the SSC awarded $250,000 toward the compost facility, pending the F-SCRAP grant.

Staff participated in the six-hour SSC retreat on a weekend in January.  This event was very helpful in establishing strong working relationships within the SSC and developing priorities for process improvements during the spring. 

Staff also participated in the brainstorming session related to the Sustainable Student Farm.  It was a very informative discussion and interesting to learn about their past experiences and plans for moving forward with changes in their mission and operations.