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SSLC First Meeting

Posted by Kejsi Ago on January 27, 2023

Below is an email from Jack Reicherts regarding SSLC's first meeting of the semester.


Ahoy there ye lily-livered landlubbers!


(If any pirate speak is unclear, please email me for clarification). This be yer friendly neighborhood pirate, writing to remind ye that the first meeting of the Spring semester for the Student Sustainability Leadership Council be approaching fast. We'll be meeting on the 6th day of February, at the strike of 6 bells in the evening (2/6 at 6 pm!), in the Student Org Complex.

Now, if ye be new to these parts, ye should know that the Student Org Complex be located on the southwest stairwell in the Illini Union. Ye can't miss it, just keep yer eyes peeled for the skull and crossbones.

And remember, every meeting requires a representative from each member organization to be present, otherwise ye'll be walking the plank. But if ye have a recurring conflict, ye can always reach out to me, yer friendly neighborhood pirate.

But there's more to this meeting than just the usual business. We're electing a new exec board for SSLC, and we'll be holding a simple application and interview process. So, I'd like to invite all interested members of your respective organizations to attend, so they can see a normal general meeting.

So, mark yer calendars and don't be late, or ye'll be feeding the sharks. And don't forget, to bring interested members with you to join SSLC exec board.

Yours in service,
Jack "The Scalawag" Reicherts, Pirate Co-Captain of the SSLC