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Sustainability Goals and Campus Plans Meeting 7/26/23

Posted by Quinn Connolly on August 14, 2023

The following email was sent by Anya Dale on July 17, 2023:

Hello Big 10 and Friends - 


A number of partners across our university and college network expressed interested in having a casual conversation around Sustainability in Comprehensive Plans -  including any challenges or opportunities/lessons learned we can share around how to ensure campus sustainability goals are fully integrated into campus planning efforts.  To help aid further discussion, I've set up a Zoom meeting next week Wednesday, July 26th, from 11a-noon Eastern Time.  


Please email me directly if you are interested in being added to the calendar invite.




On August 12, 2023 Morgan White asked:


Hi Anya,

Did you happen to record this zoom call?  Can I get a copy of that?




On August 14, 2023 Anya replied:

Hi Morgan,

I did not record the Zoom, but most of our brainstorming and sharing was captured on this JamBoard. Hope you find it helpful!