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UIUC Micro Nano

Posted by Quinn Connolly on April 18, 2023



EMS Controls (David Hardin’s group) is working on a controls upgrade at Micro Nano. I am trying to connect Ayush (cc’d) with someone who can discuss the engineering on the ESCO project and potential ECM’s that were evaluated but ultimately not included in the project. Are you a good contact for this or should I reach out to GBA (Mike/Tim)?




Amber Perfetti




I think Mike would be best.  I don’t have access to any of the work we did with ESG.  Maybe Jim C can help as well ?


Mario Zotta P.E.


Hey Amber,


Thanks for getting this conversation started. Can you share Mike and Jim’s email ID’s? I can try contacting them.


Thank you,



Dear Jim and Mike,


EMS Controls (David Hardin’s group) is working on a controls upgrade project at Micro Nano. Is there someone with whom we can discuss the potential ECM’s that were evaluated but ultimately not included in the ESCO project?


Thank you,

Ayush Gupta




Jim and I will circle our wagons next week and get together with you by the  weeks end.

Michael J. McDermott


Thank you, sir. That would be great.







I was able to reach out to Deon Collins and review the 2014 ESG Unfunded list, 2011 VFA Deferred maintenance back log and 2012 Cannon MEP Condition Assessment.    We were able to start a preliminary list of energy conservation measures/deferred maintenance items for consideration:


  1. Add DDC control for three (3) existing humidifiers - $30,000
  2. DDC upgrade for AHU-18, 19 and 20 - $225,000
  3. Replace AHU-15 (16,000 cfm ) & 16 (21,600 cfm) (Alternate 3) - $700,000
  4. Replace AHU-13 (16,000 cfm) and AHU-14 and add Heat Recovery (Alternate 4) – $2.9 million
  5. Main building steam valve replacement (ECM-8)- $200,000
  6. Pipe Insulation (ECM-10)- 125,000
  7. Active Media Filtration (ECM-15)- $800,000
  8. Main Building Chilled Water Valve Replacement - $60,000
  9. New Building DDC upgrade
  10. New Building southwest section Lab Upgrade and VAV conversion
  11. E-17A & B (25,600 cfm each) – Replace exhaust fan and move to roof - $1,200,000
  12. E-18A&B (10,600 cfm each) – Replace exhaust fan and move to roof - $600,000
  13. High Efficiency Fume hood and VAV conversion upgrade
  14. Heat recovery Chiller
  15. Acid, Solvent and Special Gas Scrubber Replacement – $700,000
  16. Replace chilled water system - $221,000
  17. Replace steam and Condensate - $108,700
  18. Replace AHU-9(22,000 cfm) , AHU-10 (22,000 cfm), AHU-11 (5,200 CFM) , AHU-12(8,000 cfm) , and AHU-17(34,000 cfm) - $1,600,000
  19. Replace ventilation systems for AHU-11 and AHU-17 - $720,000
  20. Replace AHU-1,2 3,4 &5 - $1,500,000
  21. Replace general exhaust EF-5 - $20,000
  22. Domestic hot water heater-$200,000
  23. Acid waste system – $325,000
  24. Process water system - $300,000
  25. Vacuum system - $220,000
  26. Emergency power system- $300,000
  27. Exit lighting – $25,000
  28. Lighting control systems - $250,000
  29. Exterior Lighting- $20,000



Call if you have any questions.  


Hey David,


Below is the list of unfunded ECMs and deferred maintenance items that were considered but not acted upon by ESCO.


Thank you,





This is useful information and provides a starting point.




Hey everyone,


Here is some info from Mike McDermott from their ESCO review.

