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YMCA Dump & Run Numbers

Posted by Charley Marchis on August 26, 2024

During the Aug. 5 - Aug. 17 collections we had roughly 280 donation drop offs (increased over last year by about 30)

  • We conducted 39 furniture pickups on the two Saturdays
  • 118 volunteers worked 980 hours over the three weeks between collecting, sorting, pricing, the Big Sale and cleanup (7 more volunteers and 170 more hours than last year)
  • 12 staff members, including myself, contributed 267 hours at the Stock Pavilion
  • Roughly 3,700 people attended the Big Sale over the weekend, including at least 1,000 students (probably much more), compared to an estimated 2,500 total last year
  • The Big Sale grossed a little over $29,000, well past our budget goals, and an increase over last year (just under 23k)
  • What little that was left, which wasn't much, was mostly either recycled or donated to Salt & Light for additional reuse.

Overall it was an excellent and incredibly smooth year!