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Zipcar - Young Driver Fee

Posted by Sarthak Prasad on June 12, 2023

ZipCar reached out to the F&S TDM department to inform us about the update to their program on-campus with the additional Young Driver Fee (YDK) for users aged under 25. Following is the email from ZipCar representative and attached is the letter to the University:

Hi Stacey and Sarthak,

I wanted to reach out to alert you that we are making a change to our University Zipcar program.  

Our VP has asked that I provide you with his attached letter.

A Young Driver Fee will be added to all 25 and under reservations on University Zipcars as outlined below, starting June 19th, 2023.

Hourly: $1.50 (18-20) & $0.75 (21-24)

Daily: $12 (18-20) & $6 (21-24)

Please let me know if you have any questions, and don’t hesitate to call. I understand this is a sudden adjustment.