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Projects Updates for place: Harding Band Building

  1. Code Complance and Fire Safety Funding Meeting

    Associated Project(s): 

    Ryan Wild, in Code Compliance and Fire Safety, met with Morgan Johnston to review the funding parameters for this project, and identify next steps.  Morgan asked Teresa Tousignant and Nishant Makhijani, from the Student Sustainability Committee, about potential student volunteers to help locate the existing incandescent exit signs.  Ryan will work on the building surveys for the smaller buildings, and we will hold KCPA, Main Library, Beckman, Roger Adams Lab, and Chem Life Sciences Lab for potential student assistance.

  2. LED Exit Signage FY12

    Associated Project(s): 

    Twenty University buildings have been allocated RLF funding for LED exit signage in FY12. The buildings, in order of priority, are Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, Foellinger Auditorium, the Beckman Institute, the Main Library, Davenport Hall, Temple Hoyne Buell Hall, the Education Building, the Law Building, the Animal Sciences Laboratory, Freer Hall, the Henry Administration Building, Grainger Engineering Library, the Agricultural Engineering Sciences Building, Turner Hall, the Illini Union Bookstore, the Stock Pavilion, the Engineering Sciences Building, Kenney Gymnasium, the Roger Adams Laboratory, and the Chemical and Life Science Laboratory.

    Implementation of LED exit signage has already started for four of these buildings; 75 percent of Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, 80 percent of Foellinger Auditorium, 10 percent of Freer Hall, and 30 of the Henry Administration Building has been completed. Implementation in the remainder of the buildings is now set to begin.

  3. Animal Sciences A/C Center

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 50 T-12 fixtures in the Animal Sciences A/C Center were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 7,884  hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.56 years.

  4. University Press

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 488 T-12 fixtures in the University Press Building were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 76,948 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.64 years.

  5. Transportation Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 547 T-12 fixtures in the Transportation Building were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 86,251 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.56 years.

  6. Temple Hoyne Buell Hall

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 471 T-12 fixtures in Temple Hoyne Buell Hall were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 74,267 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.56 years.

  7. Speech and Hearing Clinic

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 47- T-12 fixtures in the Speech and Hearing Clinic were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 74,110 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.08 years.

  8. Shelford Vivarium Greenhouse

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 335 T-12 fixtures in the Shelford Vivarium Greenhouse were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 52,823 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.53 years.

  9. Personnel Services Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 433 T-12 fixtures in the Personnel Services Building were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 68,275 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.2 years.

  10. Nuclear Physics Lab

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 415 T-12 fixtures in the Nuclear Physics Lab were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 65,437 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.56 years.

  11. Natural Resources Studies Annex

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 1,200 T-12 fixtures in the Natural Resources Studies Annex were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 189,216 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.56 years.

  12. Levis Faculty Center

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 189 T-12 fixtures in the Levis Faculty Center were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 29,802 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.56 years.

  13. International Studies Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 571 T-12 fixtures in the International Studies Building were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 90,035 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.56 years.

  14. Illini Hall

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 610 T-12 fixtures in Illini Hall were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 96,185 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.56 years.

  15. Huff Hall

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 426 T-12 fixtures in Huff Hall were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 67,172 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.56 years.

  16. Harker Hall

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 485 T-12 fixtures in Harker Hall were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 76,475 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.56 years.

  17. Harding Band Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 304 T-12 fixtures in the Harding Band Building were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 47,935 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.81 years.

  18. Colonel Wolfe School

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 298 T-12 fixtures in the Colonel Wolfe School were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 46,989 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.55 years.

  19. Civil Engineering Hydrosystems Laboratory

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 402 T-12 fixtures in the Civil Engineering Hydrosystems Laboratory were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 63,387 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.13 years.

  20. Ceramics Kiln House

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 687 T-12 fixtures in the Admin Tech Info Building were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 112,316 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.42 years.
