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  1. Campus Conservation Nationals (CCN) competition with peers

    Associated Project(s): 

    From: Shane Stennes <> Date: November 6, 2013 at 11:37:26 AM CST To: "Johnston, Morgan B" <>, Lydia Vandenbergh <>, Matan Gill <>, Jennifer Battle <>, Tamm Hoggatt <> Cc: Chris Kelleher <>, Stacey White <>, Elizabeth Spotts <>, Emily Kossila <> Subject: Re: Campus Conservation Nationals   I'm glad to hear that there is interest. We've corresponded with the folks at CCN a bit about how to facilitate this and it sounds like they have a process that we can start working through in the next few weeks. Have any of you conducted an inter-university competition through CCN (or other means) before? If yes, any insights on how that went or what you'd recommend to make it successful would be appreciated.   As a starting point, I thought it might be helpful for all of us to identify the scope of our campus competitions and that might inform what we do for a competition among our schools. Here's what we are planning right now at the U of Minnesota: 11 residence halls participating, possibly 12 if we can figure out how to get their data into the system (leased property). We are currently planning to report electricity data only. Dates of competition will be February 17 - March 17. Baseline data would be gathered two weeks prior to competition. This may change a bit in the coming weeks, but it shouldn't shift much. What are all of you planning on your campuses?   Thanks,   Shane   Shane Stennes Interim Chief Administrative Officer, Facilities Management Sustainability Coordinator, University Services University of Minnesota   300 Donhowe Building 319 15th Avenue SE Minneapolis, MN 55455 (612) 626-2588     On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 11:43 AM, Johnston, Morgan B <> wrote: I agree.    Sent from my mobile device   On Oct 31, 2013, at 11:18 AM, "Matan Gill" <> wrote:   Absolutely! UNL is already working with MSU's USGBC Student Chapter to arrange a competition. I think having all Big 10 schools compete is a great idea.     How do we move forward?    From: Shane Stennes <> Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2013 11:13 AM To: Matan Gill; Lydia Vandenbergh; Jennifer Battle; Tamm Hoggatt; Morgan Johnston Cc: Chris Kelleher; Stacey White Subject: Campus Conservation Nationals   I see that all of our schools are registered for CCN. Any interest in having a little friendly competition among the Big 10 schools participating? Or maybe some head to head match ups?    Shane Stennes Interim Chief Administrative Officer, Facilities Management Sustainability Coordinator, University Services University of Minnesota   300 Donhowe Building 319 15th Avenue SE Minneapolis, MN 55455 (612) 626-2588  
