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Projects Updates for USGBC IL Higher Education Sub-committee

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  1. committee meeting, Job Shadowing discussion

    Ed Choklek led a discussion about the Committee moving forward with creating a new Job Shadowing Program for college and university students with USGBC Illinois members in 2014. Tom Shelton shared the results from his Doodle Poll to all Committee members and the preferred months were March, April and October. After some additional discussions, we agreed that late March and October would work best for the campus sustainability professionals since April is a very busy month because of Earth Day activities. Ed Choklek answered questions from several meeting participants based upon their reading and review of information provided on the USGBC Missouri Gateway’s Job Shadowing Program. John Brophy, Paul Matthews and Ed Choklek will meet with USGBC Illinois leadership before our January 20, 2014, Committee Meeting to get approval to move forward with our proposed Job Shadowing Program and to determine resources available from USGBC Illinois to support this new initiative. (Check on using USGBC Illinois Chapter Speakers’ Bureau members and USGBC Illinois Chapter Board of Directors for the 2014 Job Shadowing Program since these groups represent many different business sectors.)

    Attached Files: 
  2. committee meeting, Job Shadowing discussion

    Ed Choklek and Paul Matthews led a discussion about the Committee moving forward with creating a Job Shadowing Program for college and university students with USGBC Illinois members in 2014. Some of the college and university attendees chimed in with ideas, concerns and suggestions. After further discussion about logistics and timing, Paul Mathews agreed to have Tom Shelton send out a Doodle Poll to all Committee members to try and determine which months would work best for getting student involvement. Ed Choklek agreed to learn more about how the USGBC Missouri Gateway Chapter has done their Job Shadowing Program and will report back to the Committee on December 16. John Brophy and Paul Matthews will approach USGBC Illinois leadership to check on using USGBC Illinois Chapter Speakers’ Bureau members and USGBC Illinois Chapter Board of Directors for the 2014 Job Shadowing Program since these groups represent many different business sectors.

    Attached Files: 
  3. kick-off meeting

    The USGBC Illinois Chapter Green Schools subcommittee has worked for a few years on greening K-12 schools.  Now they are initiating a Higher-Education subcommittee, focused on supporting Green Universities and Colleges in Illinois.  During the first subcommittee meeting, we went through this agenda:

    1. Introductions of Meeting Participants - All
    2. Overview of Sub-Committee Mission, Vision and Goals – Paul Matthews and John Brophy
    3. Discussion of Sub-Committee Structure and Team Leaders – Ed Choklek
    4. Questions and Answers Concerning Agenda Items 2 & 3 – Sub-committee Leadership Team
    5. Homework Assignments for future Sub-Committee Meetings – All
    6. Next Meeting Dates – June 17, July 15, and August 19 (3rd Monday of each month at 6:00pm)

    The kick-off meeting had the attached files associated with it. 

    Attendees: John Brophy, Paul Matthews, Ed Choklek, Stephenie Presseller, Vuk Vujovic, Candace Small, and Brian Healy in person. Jennifer Fifield, Allessandra Cairo, Morgan Johnston, Tom Shelton, Tim Gibson, Sajid Mian, Ted Renner, Missy Nergard, Craig Anz and Stella Nicolet by phone.

    The following is list of ideas for covering at future meetings:        Net Zero Waste, Greening Small Construction/Renovation Projects, Tree Campus USA, USGBC Student Chapter Support, Recyclemania, USGBC Membership Benefits to Students, Community Green Initiative, Justifying LEED Certification, LEED for Existing Buildings Operation and Maintenance, LEED/Sustainability at Liberal Arts Institutions, Green Career Fairs, Convincing College/University Leadership to adopt LEED NC, LEED ND, and/or LEED EBO&M, 2013 Green Apple Day of Service and the Relevance of LEED and Sustainability for Business and Other Non-Technical Students Across Different Disciplines.

  4. USGBC student chapter discusses conservation programs

    The Illinois student chapter of the US Green Building Council (USGBC) met with staff to discuss an energy and water conservation program they would like to initiate in FY13.  This would require some meter upgrades which could be implemented in conjunction with the Energy Dashboard project.  In the fall, the students would organize conservation competitions between various residence halls on campus, to promote, highlight, and celebrate sustainable behavior.