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Projects Updates for Solar Farm 1.0
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Building removal
Associated Project(s):Student Sustainability Committee approves funding for the Solar Farm
Associated Project(s):ACUPCC tweets about UI Solar Farm
Associated Project(s):Channel 15 does interview about UI Solar Farm
Associated Project(s):News-Gazette article about UI Solar Farm being approved
Associated Project(s):Channel 3 shares info about UI Solar Farm
Associated Project(s):Board of Trustees approves Solar Farm
Associated Project(s):Board of Trustees approves solar farm
Associated Project(s):WILL does interview about Solar Farm
Associated Project(s):News-Gazette article about site selection
Associated Project(s):News-Gazette Article describes Solar Farm
Associated Project(s):F&S discussions with SSC continued
Associated Project(s):Audit, Budget, Finance, & Facilities subcommittee forwards Solar Farm to Nov. 8 BOT agenda
Associated Project(s):SSC formal proposal submitted via email
Associated Project(s):No concerns found for Franklin's Ground Squirrels on site
BAFO will remain in effect until end of calendar year
Associated Project(s):F&S meeting with SSC re: Solar Farm
Associated Project(s):Price per kwh will include cost for connection to the grid
Associated Project(s):Best and Final Offer (BAFO) received
Associated Project(s):