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  1. RA Tax Credit - CDB IGA

    Associated Project(s): 


    Per our discussion from the meeting on 12/8/2023 I reached out to Ebone White and Angela Jacobs with your concerns that language be included to the current IGA template that is being produced to ensure that CBD cannot file for the IRA tax credit due to property being owned by the University. Ebone informed me that they will add it to their working draft for discussion with CDB and legal.


    Thank you


  2. Energy iCAP Team Meeting 12/2/22

    The Energy iCAP Team met on Friday, December 2nd, 2022 to discuss potential recommendations on standards for new buildings and developing a committee of energy researchers to share knowledge across campus.

  3. Water004 GSI Standards Parking Lots recommendation - Assessment started

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on May 10, 2018, to discuss and start the assessment of Water004 GSI Standards Parking Lots recommendation. The iWG's draft assessment was:

    "F&S should include the minimum requirements of Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) in the Facilities Standards, as described in the Campus Master Plan."

    See SWATeam recommendtion Water004 GSI Standards Parking Lots here.

  4. Water004 GSI Standards Parking Lots recommendation - Submittal

    The Water and Stormwater SWATeam submitted a recommendation to the iWG, stating, "The Facilities and Services Standards for Parking and for Stormwater Systems should be revised to include a greater emphasis on sustainable design Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) for stormwater management. This revision will align these standards with the newly adopted 2017 Campus Master Plan."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation, Water004 GSI Standards Parking Lots, complete with comments from all the Water and Stormwater SWATeam members.

  5. The Impact of School Buildings on Student Health and Performance: A Call for Research

    Associated Project(s): 

    In "The Impact of School Buildings on Student Health and Performance: A Call for Research" by Lindsay Baker and Harvey Bernstein (2012), authors note research results and needs about green schools.

    What do we know today?   In some areas, we have strong evidence to support the notion that school buildings impact student health and their ability to learn, and we know exactly how to ensure that the impacts are positive. For example, we know how to build classrooms that minimize background noise and allow voices to be heard clearly, which will allow students to hear their teachers and protect their aural health. We have clear evidence that certain aspects of school buildings have an impact on student health and learning, such as:

    • When deprived of natural light, studies have shown that children’s melatonin cycles are disrupted, thus likely having an impact on their alertness during school (Figueiro & Rea, 2010).
    • Teachers report higher levels of comfort in their classrooms when they have access to thermal controls like thermostats or operable windows (Heschong, 2003, and Lackney, 2001).
    • According to researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories, when ventilation rates are at or below minimum standards (roughly 15 cfm per student), an associated decrease of 5%–10% occurs in certain aspects of student performance tests (LBNL IAQ Resource Bank).
    • In recent studies, when ventilation rates were lowered from 17 cfm/person to 10 cfm/person researchers saw a 15% increase in symptom prevalence for Sick Building Syndrome (ibid).

    What do we need to find out?   While there have been studies on the impact of environments on children—and the benefits of green buildings more broadly—more research is needed. Some of the larger research questions are:

    • When prioritization is necessary, which building projects can be expected to have larger impacts on facility quality and student health?
    • What are the impacts of high-performance school buildings, above and beyond an adequate (and potentially new) school building?
    • How do high-performance design features interact with each other? Relationships such as those between daylighting and acoustical design are understood less in terms of how they interact than in isolation.