FY14 grants completed
Associated Project(s):
The Energy Efficiency Program (EEPs) grants from DCEO were completed this year.
Grant UIeRA Title DCEO # CFOP Amount
D6606 2013-03953 Campus-Gas 13-290004 1-595061-518002-191200 $670,353.00
D6605 2013-05653 Campus-Electric 13-410005 1-595060-518002-191200 $1,429,082.00
D6604 2013-03954 VetMed-Gas 13-290004 1-595059-518002-191200 $537,743.70
D6603 2013-05862 VetMed-Electric 13-410004 1-595058-518002-191200 $339,109.11
Today, Paul Foote met with Eva Sweeney and Morgan Johnston to begin the pre-application process for the Lighting Retrofit DCEO grant application. After submitting a pre-application, the UI grant and contracts office will allow us to request an Anticipation Account. The anticipation account can be used to fund retrofits directly using the anticipated grant incentives. This grant has a bonus for work completed by Halloween and a smaller bonus for work completed by Valentine's Day.
This is the cover letter that went to DCEO for the 2013-06530 Public Energy Efficiency Program $1,763,393.