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Projects Updates for Small Prairie at Natural Resources Building

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  1. An update from the South Arboretum Woods about the planting projects

    John Marlin (from Illinois Sustainable Technology Center) reported that the planting projects using SSC and ISEE grants are progressing well.

    The majority of the large honeysuckle was removed from the South Arboretum Woods, mostly by the fecon machine at a cost of $20,000. Student workers (mainly NRES and ESE) are taking out the remainder with hand tools and chainsaws and finishing the resprouts and seedlings with limited applications of herbicide. The woods was actually a former research plot where many species of trees were planted in blocks very close together. A number of trees will have to be removed in order to allow for the others to grow well and to let light penetrate to the ground.

    They also spent some time planting and weeding at plots at the Natural Resources Building, Burrill Hall, the Florida Orchard prairie and Lincoln Ave Residence (LAR) Hall. LAR contributed some funds toward planting.

    A Boy Scout Eagle Project was conducted at the woods.  They worked on three occasions removing garlic mustard and honeysuckle.   The Master Naturalists have also put in quite a few hours.

  2. Natural Resources Building Prairie Funding Agreement

    This proposal seeks to support a prairie initiative at the Institute of Natural Resource Sustainability. The institute will use its greenhouses to begin growing sustainable, native plants for use on campus. Additionally, INRS will design and plant a prairie landscape on the south side of the Natural Resource Building. This prairie will be maintained as a permanent exhibit for the public and featured during their annual open house, Naturally Illinois. A written and video instructional manual will be produced as a

    learning tool as an important element of this project, which will assist the campus and others in installing and maintaining other sustainable landscaping projects. This project will thus help meet the commitments made by the campus relating to sustainable landscaping, as part of the Climate Action Plan. The Student Sustainability Committee is in favor of funding a grant in the amount of $20,000.