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Projects Updates for Sustainability Fellows Research Program

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  1. Apply for a 2022-23 Levenick Teaching Sustainability Fellowship!

    iSEE is offering seed funding to help faculty & instructors incorporate sustainability into the classroom in 2022-23. Levenick Teaching Sustainability Fellows can get $1,000 to integrate sustainability into an existing course or $2,000 to develop a new course, as well as resource support. 100- and 200-level courses encouraged.

    Application deadline Jan. 31, 2022.

  2. Potential FY15 project

    Ben,      The first thing that comes to mind for me is: what do we need to do to get some solar installed on campus roofs?   I think there is a lot of potential, but also a lot of hurdles.  For example, which roofs can support the weight of the modules?   Which can be reinforced to support the extra weight?    This is a nice mechanical engineering problem.         This is probably just the tip of the iceberg.  I think there are many hurdles to installing solar on roofs, but I am sure some roofs are going to be able to jump these hurdles with some study.  F & S has already had some requests for installing solar on roofs, so they problem already have a list of things they need to understand before they would be comfortable with proceeding with such a project.      I intend to spend some time on this issue in the coming months myself, along with my SWATeam.   Scott Willenbrock

  3. Consideration of FY15 Sustainability Fellows program

    Dear SWATeam Chairs,   Last year F&S, in collaboration with iSEE's predecessor, started a new program for Sustainability Faculty Fellows.  The idea was to engage our faculty in addressing sustainability-related issues that directly impact the F&S mission.  F&S generated several potential project ideas, and then an RFP was issued to the campus community; faculty could propose to tackle these projects themselves (with summer salary support) and could also request funding for an RA to support the work.   We're looking into the possibility of running this program again for the next academic year, and I wanted to solicit your (and your team's) suggestions for potential projects that F&S and iSEE could consider including in the RFP.  The ideal project would be one where a particular topic really needs to be studied in more depth to facilitate campus sustainability efforts related to F&S, and where there might be faculty on our campus who could complete such studies in a one-year period.   This is not intended for pure research, but more for applied research, feasibility studies, analysis, etc.   If you and your team have any ideas (even if they're not entirely fleshed out), please let me know.  It would be most helpful to receive your suggestions within the next two weeks.   Thanks very much,   Ben

  4. Notes about program concept

    To bridge gap

    Academic and operations Sought proposals through CSE  Solar. Largest location study out of town Madhu Viswanathan. Dashboard. Technology is there. Bridge gap from technology to inform students and employees to impact energy use Brian Allen. As we make changes in storm water treatment. At risk of undoing a lot of good work with vector borne diseases. Impacts of green infrastructure on the disease.