iSEE is offering seed funding to help faculty & instructors incorporate sustainability into the classroom in 2022-23.
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Encourage Course Development or Modification (Ongoing)
Recent Project Updates
Project Family
- Certificate in Environmental Writing (CEW)
- Develop Sustainability Education definition
- Develop Sustainability Learning Outcomes
- Development of Experiential Learning Sites
Encourage Course Development or Modification
- 100-Level Courses
- CEE 598 SUS with Barbara Minsker [ARCHIVED]
- CEE Project Based Learning (PBL)
- ECI Educational Funding
- ENG 177 GFX Global Sustainability Scholars
- ESE 360 with Rob Kanter
- NRES 285: Sustainability Metrics and Evaluation Techniques
- NRES 285: iCAP Sustainability Ambassadors
- Rhet class interviews
- Scholarship of Sustainability Series
- Sustainable Studies in the Humanities
- Teaching Sustainability Workshop aka Prairie Project
- Graduate Certificate in Sustainability
- Independent Student Projects
- Inventory Sustainability Courses
- Provide incentives for sustainability education
- Support sustainability courses through guest lectures
- Sustainability Gen-Ed Requirement
- Sustainability Literacy Assessment
- Sustainability Minor
- Sustainability in Study Abroad
- Sustainable Design Major
Key Objective
10.3 Add New Sustainability-focused Courses
(2015 iCAP)
Associated Collections
The iCAP 2020 objective 6.1 is to "Broaden the availability of sustainability education across the entire curriculum, beginning with first-year student orientation and continuing through commencement, with at least one of four proposed methods implemented by FY24." The responsible campus unit for championing this objective is iSEE.
This objective is the revision of 2015 iCAP, chapter 10, objective 3 is, "Add at least five new sustainability-focused courses by FY20." Sustainability is relevant to all departments on campus; the learning outcomes have potential to be adapted across the array of academic programs.
An inventory of sustainability courses and programs is available on iSEE website. As of FY17, there were five new sustainability-focused courses added.
Website URL(s)
Percent of Departments Offering Sustainability Courses
Sustainability Focused Courses
Sustainability Related Courses
Proposed December 17, 2010Proposed by Education Task Force
Primary Theme:
Project Location(s)
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