Morgan Johnston provided an overview of campus sustainability efforts to juniors and seniors in Urban Planning.
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Support sustainability courses through guest lectures (Ongoing)
Recent Project Updates
Rob Kanter is teaching a class about environmental writing. Rob is known for his Environmental Almanac work, and began teaching this class last year.
Project Family
- Certificate in Environmental Writing (CEW)
- Develop Sustainability Education definition
- Develop Sustainability Learning Outcomes
- Development of Experiential Learning Sites
- Encourage Course Development or Modification
- Graduate Certificate in Sustainability
- Independent Student Projects
- Inventory Sustainability Courses
- Provide incentives for sustainability education
- Support sustainability courses through guest lectures
- Sustainability Gen-Ed Requirement
- Sustainability Literacy Assessment
- Sustainability Minor
- Sustainability in Study Abroad
- Sustainable Design Major
Project Team
Primary Contact:
Morgan Johnston
Primary Theme:
Other Themes: