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Project Description

Brewshroom is a local student initiative beginning this semester at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and it looks to utilize coffee grounds for fungiculture growth. Spent Coffee Grounds (SCGs) are still nutrient-rich even after being used for coffee, and along with a few other materials, they can be used to grow gourmet mushrooms, which can be given back to the community. The project is student-led, as it is running this semester, and it will continue to be run by students after the end of the 2024 Spring semester. This project is designed to be easily transferable between different hands, is long-lasting, and can become an established program connected to UIUC. Student support comes from visitors to the local cafes where coffee grounds will be collected, and marketing materials will notify patrons that the coffee they're drinking contributes to the project. Brewshroom focuses on addressing issues of food waste and food desertification through the utilization of a usually neglected waste stream.

This proposal directly funds:
1. Greenhouse tent, humidifier & humidity controller
2. Electric pressure cooker, duct fan, wide-mouth quart jars
3. High-temp silicone, filter, liquid culture, rye berries (40 lbs)
4. Inoculate needles, 5-gallon bucket + lid, drill, mixing attachment
5. Measuring equipment set, dehydrator, mixing bowls, scales
6. Soil moisture meeting, 2.5-quart mixing bucket, design materials

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Funding Details

Student Campus Environment Fee (SCEF) - 303692
Fiscal Year Status Amount Date Operations
2024 Allocated $3,153.00 3/3/2024 Edit | Delete

SSC Basic Info

Year Started: 2024
Semester: Spring
Status: Active
Student Led? Yes
Project Category: Food and Waste

SSC Project Team

Project Lead:

Adam Dziaba (

Financial Advisor:

Eric Benson (

Project Advisor:

Eric Benson (

Illinois Green Fund - Student Sustainability Committee