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Electrical and Computer Engineering Building (ECEB) Interactive, Energy/Education/Production/Use Display

Project Description

Because of its super-efficient design and construction materials, ECEB is projected to achieve zero-net energy and LEED Platinum certifications when power from the building’s solar panels, expected to be .3 megawatts, is added to 1.2 megawatts, the amount reserved for ECEB from a planned second solar farm, for a total of 1.5 megawatts, the designed requirement to operate ECEB. A multi-disciplinary team from ECE, Facilities and Services, iSEE, Engineering AV IT, and the School of Fine and Applied Arts is coming together to visualize, construct, program, and operate this student-focused display about energy production, utilization and conservation.

The display needs all three elements to engage curious students—the large touch screen and banner in a hightraffic area with two welcoming kiosks so they can learn about energy usage through energy games/questions with their friends (see websites and data below from the Shedd Aquarium). The second is to show--in real time—energy produced by our solar installation (research panels funded primarily by the SSC and the remainder of the array) and ECEB’s allotment from the second solar farm, as well as energy used throughout the building. The third is to demonstrate ECEB's efficiencies and document its progress toward certification as the first zeronet status building on campus. The display completes the only remaining requirement for ECEB to attain LEED Platinum certification. ECE’s historic Energy Heroes also will be featured.

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Funding Details

Student Campus Environment Fee (SCEF) - 303692
Fiscal Year Status Amount Date Operations
2019 Allocated $30,000.00 4/25/2019 Edit | Delete

SSC Basic Info

Year Started: 2019
Semester: Spring
Status: Active
Student Led? No
Project Category: Education and Justice

SSC Project Team

Project Lead:

Joyce Mast (

Financial Advisor:

Joyce Mast (

Team Members:

  • Joyce Mast
  • Catherine Somers
  • Timothy Newman
  • Philip Krein
  • Todd Sweet
  • Vincenzo Spagnola
  • Professor Juan Salamanca
  • Kate Brewster
  • Robie Bauer
  • Sonny Thompson
  • Neil Feuerhelm

Illinois Green Fund - Student Sustainability Committee