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Green Wall-South Atrium, College of Education

Project Description

The aim of our project is to build a “green wall” - a vertically built structure covered with plants and vegetation and a water filtration system - in the College of Education (COE) to create an environmental learning space that promotes and advances the merits of Environmental and Sustainability Education (ESE). This space is additionally designed to improve the overall aesthetic and learning experience by providing a unique space that uses plant life to create a green environment to study, learn, and cultivate a grounded sense of well-being. Additionally, the wall itself is educational in its use of green technology and architecture that provides natural air filtration, thermal stability, and noise absorption to meet green climate standards set in the iCAP. The COE is a fitting place to build an innovative space intended for ESE.  Built in 1964, the building was designed as an experimental, open-space concept that mirrored the progressive social and political trends of the time. This period brought renewed research in experiential learning, collaboration, and centering students to advance democratic ideals - but not ESE. A green space reinvigorates the historic mission of the COE by providing innovative learning opportunities to advance ESE for on-campus students, engage students from across campus through informal learning, draw visitors, and make a visual commitment to the progressive social and climate goals advanced by the COE, embedded in the iCAP, and championed by current and future Illini.

The green wall will be located in the South Atrium of the College of Education building located at 1310 S. 6th Street. The wall is opposite a south-facing glass wall which will allow the green wall to receive plenty of natural sunlight. Additionally, the space is currently occupied by a large art installation which is already illuminated by light fixtures which will be used for the green wall. Mechanicals, including electricity and water, exist in the wall making it a suitable place for the green wall.


Dr. Chrystalla Mouza, Dean of the College of Education, has encouraged us to apply for this funding and supports the installation of a green wall in the college’s South Atrium. Further, Jeffry Royce, head of the College of Education’s facilities, is part of the project team.

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Funding Details

Student Campus Environment Fee (SCEF) - 303692
Fiscal Year Status Amount Date Operations
2023 Allocated $50,000.00 5/5/2023 Edit | Delete

SSC Basic Info

Year Started: 2023
Semester: Spring
Status: Active
Student Led? No
Project Category: Education and Justice

Associated iCAP Objective(s)

SSC Project Team

Project Lead:

Samantha Lindgren (

Financial Advisor:

Amanda Brown ( )

Team Members:

  • ​​Jon Hale​
  • ​​Jeffry Royce​
  • ​​Presley Fee​

Illinois Green Fund - Student Sustainability Committee