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Increased SSF Food Production (Tractor)

Project Description

The Sustainable Student Farm was started in 2009 with a grant from the SSC to provide locally grown, sustainably produced food to the campus community. As the SSF continues to optimize the production of local food for campus consumption, a piece of equipment that would improve operations significantly is a new tractor specifically designed for specialty crop production. A new tractor will allow to engage in timely field activities, making the SSF more effective in producing food for the campus community. A new tractor with proper gearing will enable the SSF to operate efficiently for many years to come, not only in transplanting but in other operations such as seeding, tillage, cultivation and mowing.

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Funding Details

Student Campus Environment Fee (SCEF) - 303692
Fiscal Year Status Amount Date Operations
2017 Allocated $18,250.00 12/11/2017 Edit | Delete

SSC Basic Info

Year Started: 2017
Semester: Fall
Status: Closed
Student Led? No
Project Category: Food and Waste

Associated iCAP Portal Project(s)

SSC Project Team

Project Lead:

Matthew Turino (

Financial Advisor:

Matthew Turino (

Team Members:

  • Bruce Branham
  • Jeremy Shafer

Illinois Green Fund - Student Sustainability Committee