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Temple Hoyne Buell Hall DDC Upgrade of Room Equipment

Project Description

Due to failed equipment controllers, the room-level air supply equipment is not operating efficiently, which is causing increased energy costs and reducing occupant comfort.  These controller failures are often not noticed as other equipment is able to mask the issue by excessively cooling or heating the air supplied to a space.  This causes excess heating to occur year-round which greatly increases building utility usage, and sometimes results in offices and classrooms being too hot or too cold depending on the time of year.  This project will replace all the controllers in the building from pneumatic to digital to ensure the equipment is controlled properly to reduce excess energy use.  Newer equipment controls allow for finer control of air supply units and heating valves, which will further reduce energy use, and allows for remote monitoring, which will notify Facilities & Services of equipment or controller failure. 

Our project would replace all 98 pneumatic controllers with new Siemens DXR controllers and thermostats.  We will also make necessary piping changes to the perimeter heating coils on the classrooms that are served by AHU-2 to fix a long-standing issue that caused excess steam usage throughout the year. 

Operations, Maintenance and Alterations will have a stake in the project as this group own, operates, and maintains the equipment.  The completion of this project will allow for easier troubleshooting on new issues and equipment failures and will result in a lower operational cost of building HVAC systems.  


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Funding Details

Student Campus Environment Fee (SCEF) - 303692
Fiscal Year Status Amount Date Operations
2023 Allocated $80,151.95 5/5/2023 Edit | Delete

SSC Basic Info

Year Started: 2023
Semester: Spring
Status: Active
Student Led? No
Project Category: Energy

SSC Project Team

Project Lead:

Dylan Peplinskie ( )

Financial Advisor:

Anthony Spurlock (

Team Members:

  • ​​David Hardin​
  • ​​Justin Brooks​
  • ​​Harold Gross​
  • ​​William Shafer​

Illinois Green Fund - Student Sustainability Committee