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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Project UpdatePrairie Restoration at Florida & Orchard Funding Agreement sprasad906 years 8 months ago
Project UpdateCourse Development and Enhancement (ECI) Funding Agreement sprasad906 years 8 months ago
Project UpdateOccupancy Sensors Funding Agreement sprasad906 years 8 months ago
Project UpdatePrairie Project Instructional Workshop Funding Agreement sprasad906 years 8 months ago
Project UpdateSolar Decathlon 2011 Funding Agreement sprasad906 years 8 months ago
Project UpdateSustainable Student Farm Funding Agreement sprasad906 years 8 months ago
Project UpdatePlant Sciences Greenhouse Loan Funding Agreement sprasad906 years 8 months ago
Project UpdateCampus-wide Bike Parking Funding Agreement sprasad906 years 8 months ago
Project UpdateBIF Prairie Garden Funding Agreement sprasad906 years 8 months ago
Project UpdateGreen roof on Art & Design and KCPA Funding Agreement sprasad906 years 8 months ago
Project UpdateAllerton Geothermal Project Funding Letter sprasad906 years 8 months ago
Project UpdateBike Sharing Feasibility Study sprasad906 years 8 months ago
Project UpdateBattery Recycling sprasad906 years 8 months ago
Project UpdateComposting Feasibility Study sprasad906 years 8 months ago
Project UpdateCampus Bike Center Funding Letter sprasad906 years 8 months ago
Project UpdateIllini Union Revolving Loan Pool sprasad906 years 8 months ago
Project UpdateIntegrated Pest Management - Funding Letter sprasad906 years 8 months ago
Project UpdateGreen Cleaning Products and Practices Funding Letter sprasad906 years 8 months ago
Project UpdateISTC Campus Water Use Study sprasad906 years 8 months ago
Project UpdateNatural Resources Building Prairie Funding Agreement sprasad906 years 8 months ago
Project UpdateSolar Feasibility Study sprasad906 years 8 months ago
Project UpdateStudent Weatherization Assessment Program Plan sprasad906 years 8 months ago
Project UpdateSustainability Studies in the Humanities Initiative sprasad906 years 8 months ago
Project UpdateStudent Farm 2011 Grant - Funding Letter sprasad906 years 8 months ago
Project UpdateAquaponics Funding Letter sprasad906 years 8 months ago
