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Metric: Bicycle Counts at Illini Union

This is an Eco-Counter ped/bicycle counter. Eco-Visio provides this data. Includes the data from counters on both North and South side of Green St at Illini Union.

Metric Chart

Bicycle Counts at Illini Union


  • Aug 21:

    Bicycle sensor was set-up wrong. Sensor was not counting bicycles. It was corrected on September 1, 2021

  • Sep 21:

    Bicycle sensor fixed on September 1

  • Jan 22:

    Sensor battery of the Illini Union South Side counter. Counter sent for repair

  • May 23:

    North Counter non operational. Sent for repair. Data from South side only

  • Sep 23:

    North counter repaired and reinstalled.


Value Applicable Date Affirmed By Annotation
20,865.00 Apr 30 2024 Myra Stevens
16,507.00 Mar 31 2024 Myra Stevens
17,811.00 Feb 29 2024 Myra Stevens
5,528.00 Jan 31 2024 Myra Stevens
9,436.00 Dec 31 2023 Myra Stevens
22,444.00 Nov 30 2023 Myra Stevens
36,712.00 Oct 31 2023 Sam Wuebbles
33,378.00 Sep 30 2023 Tushar Kokitkar

North counter repaired and reinstalled.

10,901.00 Aug 31 2023 Tushar Kokitkar
4,730.00 Jul 31 2023 Tushar Kokitkar
4,664.00 Jun 30 2023 Hrushikesh Chavan
11,873.00 May 31 2023 Hrushikesh Chavan

North Counter non operational. Sent for repair. Data from South side only

8,842.00 Apr 30 2023 Hrushikesh Chavan
9,116.00 Mar 31 2023 Hrushikesh Chavan
16,357.00 Feb 28 2023 Sarthak Prasad
10,019.00 Jan 31 2023 Sarthak Prasad
9,211.00 Dec 31 2022 Sarthak Prasad
22,167.00 Nov 30 2022 Sarthak Prasad
37,677.00 Oct 31 2022 Sarthak Prasad
46,591.00 Sep 30 2022 Sarthak Prasad
24,331.00 Aug 31 2022 Sarthak Prasad
10,814.00 Jul 31 2022 Sarthak Prasad
10,992.00 Jun 30 2022 Sarthak Prasad
11,816.00 May 31 2022 Sarthak Prasad
15,151.00 Apr 30 2022 Sarthak Prasad
7,890.00 Mar 31 2022 Sarthak Prasad
1,806.00 Feb 28 2022 Sarthak Prasad
1,999.00 Jan 31 2022 Sarthak Prasad

Sensor battery of the Illini Union South Side counter. Counter sent for repair

6,644.00 Dec 31 2021 Sarthak Prasad
14,152.00 Nov 30 2021 Sarthak Prasad
23,600.00 Oct 31 2021 Sarthak Prasad
29,161.00 Sep 30 2021 Sarthak Prasad

Bicycle sensor fixed on September 1

389.00 Aug 31 2021 Sarthak Prasad

Bicycle sensor was set-up wrong. Sensor was not counting bicycles. It was corrected on September 1, 2021

142.00 Jul 31 2021 Sarthak Prasad
121.00 Jun 30 2021 Sarthak Prasad
139.00 May 31 2021 Sarthak Prasad
250.00 Apr 30 2021 Sarthak Prasad
142.00 Mar 31 2021 Sarthak Prasad
42.00 Feb 28 2021 Sarthak Prasad
54.00 Jan 31 2021 Sarthak Prasad
41.00 Dec 31 2020 Sarthak Prasad
54.00 Nov 30 2020 Sarthak Prasad
65.00 Oct 31 2020 Sarthak Prasad
181.00 Sep 30 2020 Sarthak Prasad
172.00 Aug 31 2020 Sarthak Prasad
127.00 Jul 31 2020 Sarthak Prasad
150.00 Jun 30 2020 Sarthak Prasad
114.00 May 31 2020 Sarthak Prasad
29.00 Apr 30 2020 Sarthak Prasad
21.00 Mar 31 2020 Sarthak Prasad


No targets have been entered for this metric yet.