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Provide Shower Facilities for Cyclists (Completed)

Recent Project Updates

  • 7/5/2019

    The new version of LEED (v.4) requires shower facilities for bicyclists as a pre-requisite.

  • 2/13/2017

    Lily Wilcock and Morgan White discussed the impact of the existing bike shower facilites on the overall mode-shift goals for campus.  This would be an excellent student project, to implement a encouragement campaign and follow up assessment of the

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Many encouragement programs for cycling address the needs of cyclists who choose to commute via bicycle.  In some cases, the cyclist arrives on campus feeling sweaty and would like to freshen up before beginning the work or school day.  To this end, it is convenient if showers are...View full description »

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Project Team

  • Project Leader:

    Lily Wilcock


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