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Bevier Café’s - Aquaponics System Demonstration Unit (In Progress)

Recent Project Updates

  • 6/4/2024

    Below is an update from Carter Phillips:


  • 1/16/2022

    The SSLC underwent many changes under the new leadership of co-presidents Owen Jennings, Maiah Caise, Jack Reicherts, and Maria Maring.

Project Family


This project created an aquaponics system that serves as a demonstrative unit on campus to spread sustainability awareness and illustrate the effectiveness of aquaponics in a small area. The goal of aquaponics is to create a closed ecosystem in which both plants and fish benefit and grow. Produce...View full description »


This idea for this proposal was generated out of the student sustainability course GCL 127. The course challenged students to create a sustainability project that would be submitted to the Student Sustainability Council for funding. Justin Vozzo was completing his undergraduate work in NRES and was...View full background »

No description has been provided yet.

Project Team

  • Primary Contact:

    Carter Phillips

    Project Leader:

    Illini Urban Farmers
