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Sustainability Grammys

Project Description

The goal of the Sustainability Grammy's is to reward RSOs for their active participation in sustainability initiatives. This is the first event of its kind and will take place on campus (e.g., Illini Union Ballrooms, CIF, Siebl Center) during Earth Week 2022. Student organizations will RSVP through the interest form by April 1st. This team invites any RSO to attend with their executive members. The RSO will demonstrate any sustainability initiatives that they have taken this past academic year on the interest form. We will take this action and present it at the event to recognize their sustainability achievements and unite the groups. This team will select approximately ten RSOs that have made the most effort towards sustainable action in their interest form to receive a scholarship. The recognition from this event would provide an opportunity to promote their sustainable actions towards prospective group members while creating a stronger awareness of sustainability on campus.The funding would give these groups the chance to improve their overall capacities and further existing sustainability initiatives. Other institutions have successful examples of this type of recognition event, as this is an engagement opportunity to unite sustainability efforts and to increase morale after a challenging few years. 

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Funding Details

Student Campus Environment Fee (SCEF) - 303692
Fiscal Year Status Amount Date Operations
2022 Allocated $9,000.00 2/28/2022 Edit | Delete

SSC Basic Info

Year Started: 2022
Semester: Spring
Status: Active
Student Led? Yes
Project Category: Education and Justice

SSC Project Team

Project Lead:

Zoe Huspen (

Financial Advisor:

Meredith Moore (

Project Advisor:

Meredith Moore (

Team Members:

  • Zoe Huspen
  • Meredith Moore

Illinois Green Fund - Student Sustainability Committee