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Ice Arena
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Projects at this location
Project | Description |
Diversity and Inclusion Center |
Under the umbrella of OIIR and along with several partners throughout our community, we seek to explore the feasibility of a multifunctional space which will allow for in-depth examinations of the complex layers of diversity, equity,and inclusion. Said space will accommodate our interest in building upon existing campus conversations and knowledge generation with regard to sustainability and environmental justice. |
Indoor Bin Update |
This project will improve the recycling process in buildings around campus by encouraging sustainable actions and improving the layout of waste and recycling bins within these buildings. Facilities & Services collaborated with ISTC to make an “Indoor Solid Waste and Recycling Collection Assessment”. This assessment determined that the type and layout of collection containers in buildings across campus should be standardized. An update would enable them to be co-located and allow for greater infrastructure consistency. |
Intensive Longitudinal Analysis of Health Behaviors: Leveraging New Technologies to Understand Health Behaviors |
This program aims to provide funding to encourage research projects that seek to explain underlying mechanisms and predict health behaviors within individuals over time utilizing intensive longitudinal, within-person protocols that leverage recent advances in mobile and wireless sensor technologies and big data analytics. |
Mobile Monitoring of Cognitive Change |
This program invites applications to design and implement research infrastructure that will enable the monitoring of cognitive abilities and age, state, context, or health condition-related changes in cognitive abilities on mobile devices. |
ESTCP projects are formal demonstrations in which innovative technologies are rigorously evaluated. ESTCP demonstrations are conducted at DoD facilities and sites to document improved efficiency, reduced liability, improved environmental outcomes, and cost savings (environmental, water and energy technologies) |
Coping with Drought in Support of the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) |
This program is focused on advancing NIDIS regional drought early warning systems through a better understanding of how to better provide early warning through enhanced language, metrics and joint decision spaces (e.g., calendars, etc.). |
WaterSMART Grants |
WaterSMART Water and Energy Efficiency Grants provide cost-shared funding for projects that save water; increase energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy in water management; support environmental benefits (i.e., make conserved water available instream or otherwise address endangered species issues); mitigate conflict risk in areas at a high risk of future water conflict; and accomplish other benefits that contribute to water supply sustainability in the western United States. |
Campus Rec Water Conservation Incentives |
The aim of this project is to reduce the water consumption of Campus Recreation patrons without interfering with the service they receive. In order to do this, standard flush valves were replaced with dual-flush valves, pint-flow urinals were installed, and motion-sensor water faucets replaced traditional faucets in ARC, CRCE, and the Ice Arena (which are the three largest Campus Recreation facilities.) Campus Recreation used the upgrades as an opportunity to educate their patrons about water consumption and conservation. |
Rechargeable Battery Recycling |
An outside vendor, Call2Recycle, offers boxes to collect a mix of rechargeable and single-use batteries. Participants must contact Call2Recycle to participate and must arrange to pay Call2Recycle, as central funding is no longer available for battery recycling. Prices vary by the size of the box. Once the boxes are full, participants follow the instructions for securing and shipping. |
Battery Recycling |
Special recyclables includes battery recycling. As of spring 2017, departments are welcome to fund battery recycling for their units by purchasing boxes through Call2Recycle. The boxes can be used to collect both rechargeable and single-use alkaline batteries. Full instructions for your unit to participate are available at https://icap.sustainability.illinois.edu/project/rechargeable-battery-recycling. |
Energy Conservation Incentive Program (ECIP) |
For many departments on campus, energy and utility costs do not impact research, teaching, or departmental budgets. The academic departments are supplied with utilities through the campus administrative budget. For these departments, an incentive program has been implemented to encourage these units to conserve energy. |
Presentations with Energy Liaisons |
To communicate within departments and colleges, we asked Energy Liaisons established by F&S to promote energy conservation to host presentations in their buildings which will include a display, information, and materials specific to your buildings. The first of these presentations were conducted during Sustainability Week, October 2011. The goal is to use the Energy Liaisons and various campus sustainability committees as grassroots contacts for initiatives such as energy conservation. |
Battery Recycling
Campus Rec Water Conservation Incentives
Coping with Drought in Support of the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS)
Diversity and Inclusion Center
Energy Conservation Incentive Program (ECIP)
Indoor Bin Update
Intensive Longitudinal Analysis of Health Behaviors: Leveraging New Technologies to Understand Health Behaviors
Mobile Monitoring of Cognitive Change
Presentations with Energy Liaisons
Rechargeable Battery Recycling
WaterSMART Grants
SSC Projects
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