Battery Recycling for F&S
These 2 units were delivered to Noyes 1st floor north and south entry ways 11/12/2024.
Fabricated through our own mill shop. Cost to make two of these bins is attached.
Members of the Zero Waste Team analyzed the main buildings in each of the three central quads. Locations of current 3-bins were noted as well as areas where more were needed. The plan is to transition away from single flow trash and recycling bins towards a system where only 3-bins are used in main hallways. This will ensure that there are well marked bins in highly visible areas and will condense the many bins that need to be serviced by university workers into fewer overall bins. Overall this initiative will lead to improved waste management efficiency and increased recycling rates across the campus.
From: Hulse, Daphne <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2024 3:59 PM
To: Kuehl, Mark A <>
Subject: Lithium ion battery from vacuums at Housing?
Hi Mark,
Last semester when I came by LAR/Allen to do a tour of the recycling system there (during which we discussed the blue bag transition), one of the staff mentioned that there are a particular type of vacuums used that utilize lithium ion batteries, that then must be discarded.
Would it be possible to get a specific URL link or photo of what the vacuum / batteries look like? We may have found a vendor willing to responsibility dispose of these (recycle them).
Thank you,
DAPHNE HULSE (she/her)
Zero Waste Coordinator
Facilities & Services | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
+1 (217) 333-7550 |
“If it cannot be reduced, reused, repaired, rebuilt, refurbished, resold, recycled, or composted, then it should be restricted, redesigned, or removed from production.” – Pete Seeger
On Jan 23, 2024 4:01 PM, "Kuehl, Mark A" <> wrote:
I believe Daphne is talking about the zoom batteries. Can you provide a picture of the batteries for her?
Assistant Director for Housing Building Services
University Housing │ Student Affairs │ University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
6A LAR │ 1005 S.Lincoln | M/C 030 │ Urbana, IL 61801
Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act any written communication to or from university employees regarding university business is a public record and may be subject to public disclosure.
From: Bytnar, Olymer <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2024 4:43 PM
To: Kuehl, Mark A <>
Cc: Hulse, Daphne <>
Subject: Re: FW: Lithium ion battery from vacuums at Housing?
Pictures attached.
Thank you,
Olymer Bytnar
From: Hulse, Daphne <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2024 2:56 PM
To: Sophie Boel <>
Cc: Fraterrigo, Jennifer M <>
Subject: FW: FW: Lithium ion battery from vacuums at Housing?
Hi Sophie,
Happy new year! I wanted to reach out and ask if this type of lithium ion battery would be of use to Redwood? I recently learned that our Housing department uses these types of batteries fairly regularly for a piece of cleaning equipment, and once they are used they have to discard them and replace with new ones.
Thank you,
DAPHNE HULSE (she/her)
Zero Waste Coordinator
Facilities & Services | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
+1 (217) 333-7550 |
“If it cannot be reduced, reused, repaired, rebuilt, refurbished, resold, recycled, or composted, then it should be restricted, redesigned, or removed from production.” – Pete Seeger
From: Sophie Boel <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2024 12:10 PM
To: Hulse, Daphne <>
Cc: Fraterrigo, Jennifer M <>
Subject: RE: FW: Lithium ion battery from vacuums at Housing?
Hi Daphne!
Happy New Year to you and the U of I team! It’s great to hear from you. We absolutely do take these types of batteries and would be happy to recycle these for you. Just a few quick questions that will help determine the shipment approach:
Thanks for reaching out!
Sophie Boel Internal Communications & Public Affairs Manager 440.759.5401
From: Hulse, Daphne <>
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2024 11:12 AM
To: Sophie Boel <>
Cc: Fraterrigo, Jennifer M <>; Kuehl, Mark A <>
Subject: RE: FW: Lithium ion battery from vacuums at Housing?
Hi Sophie,
Please see our responses below! Apologies for the delay on my end in communicating with you. I’m looping in Mark here from Housing for any next steps so I am not a bottleneck.
Thank you,
DAPHNE HULSE (she/her)
Zero Waste Coordinator
Facilities & Services | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
+1 (217) 333-7550 |
“If it cannot be reduced, reused, repaired, rebuilt, refurbished, resold, recycled, or composted, then it should be restricted, redesigned, or removed from production.” – Pete Seeger
From: Sophie Boel <>
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2024 3:27 PM
To: Hulse, Daphne <>
Cc: Fraterrigo, Jennifer M <>; Kuehl, Mark A <>
Subject: RE: FW: Lithium ion battery from vacuums at Housing?
Hi Daphne,
No worries at all. Happy to learn more, Mark!
Based on your current answers, we can ship you an Obexion box for you to place your single battery in and can accumulate a few more in (depending on physical size and storage capacity of that battery). When you are ready for it to be picked up, we’ll send you a shipping label and can have it collected.
P10H08575 placed in Waste Transfer Station break room
P10H08574 placed in the Materials Research Laboratory
P10H08580 placed on the first floor- East
P10H08581 placed on the first floor- West
P10H08585 placed on basement level
P1H08584 placed on first floor
P10H08583 placed on second floor
P10H08582 placed on third floor
P10H08419 placed on Lower Level C0220 near stairs, P10H08418 placed on second floor C2220 against north brick wall, P10H08117 placed on third floor C3200 east wall/elevator landing, P10H08416 placed on fourth floor C4200 east wall/evelator landing.
P10H08422 placed on the second floor south side, P10H08421 placed on the third floor north side, and P10H08420 placed on the third floor south side.
Attendance: Jen Fraterrigo, Sophie Boel, Daphne Hulse, Amy Fruehling
Sophie Boel introduction: been with Redwood 2+ years, managing construction and engineering team, moved to external affairs (consumer recycling, outreach and education programs). Taking over the university partnerships piece from Seema. Two pieces to look at together:
Recalling our first conversation with Redwood Materials:
What is redwood looking for?
How can the university offer collaborative experiences with Redwood? Research, battery collection drives.
Redwood's experience with collection:
Daphne's research on where batteries are sourced from and where they end up across campus. Daphne could only speak to batteries that are procured with university money. There is not a gauge on what the community does with batteries and what their needs are.
What could Redwood provide support on if the university would undertake something with them?
Bring Seema back into the conversation side (she is involved with business development support).
Has Redwood done many events with universities? No, they haven’t done many events with universities:
Have done events in collaboration with International Rotary Clubs:
Environmental & Sustainability Action Group (ES-RAG) - made collection events a part of their piece on sustainability
50-100 collection events - active consumer engagement pieces
Earth Day events
For events, Redwood can send a Redwood employee - if there is a lot overlapping in terms of time of year (especially Earth Day or Month), some of the rotary district governors act on behalf of Redwood go to an event to staff and educate.
Reach out to Urbana and Champaign counterparts - they hold an annual event for Illinois residents for electronics recycling. Maybe there is a need for more than just once a year? And if they combine forces with the university and Redwood, we would have more resources and support to go around.
It will be good to hear what the cities think, as their population will likely be the main source for the waste. Students don't often have these kinds of devices and batteries laying around.
Any money that can be reinvested to the program? The university tries to find ways to reinvest when possible.
Sophie to talk to Seema about this
From: Lee, Morris <>
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2023 11:00 AM
To: Hulse, Daphne Lauren <>
Cc: Hill, Landon E <>
Subject: RE: DRS battery disposal
Good Morning Daphne,
Attached is a report for the batteries handled by the DRS Waste Group.
If you have any data related questions, please let me know (I will be on vacation next week). Landon would be able to answer the operational questions.
Thanks, Morris
Division of Research Safety
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
102 Environmental Health and Safety Building
101 S. Gregory St. | M/C 225
Urbana, Illinois 61801
217.300.4563 |
Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act any written communication to or from university employees regarding university business is a public record and may be subject to public disclosure.
Neither the Waste Transfer Station nor Interstate Batteries (vendor) tracks or weighs the lead acid batteries that are picked up from the cage at the Waste Transfer Station. Rather, the battery unit sold is. The new battery is sold without a core charge, and then the old battery is picked up at a later time. The number of battery units sold is tracked (from 1501 S Oak Street), so this is our best metric for tracking lead acid battery recycling.
Attachment only covers 2022-2023 sales, a request has been sent for historical data.
FYI - lead acid batteries (often used in the automobile context) are some of the most easily recycled and rechargeable batteries out there!
Hi Paul,
Should we set up a calendar time to talk via Teams about the ECIP plans? I’d think it would include Jen Fraterrigo, and maybe Rob?
Hi Morgan,
During Monday’s meeting we chose to follow your advice and go with the fall schedule.
We are again having conference schedule during this week and wonder if the sustainability week can be chosen on a week other than the week of Oct 16th – the 20th?
Hi Paul,
I think the date of the Campus Sustainability Celebration can move, as long as it is within October. I'll touch base with Jen about it and confirm.
Hi Elizabeth,
I checked with Karl and the BTAF Mechanical conference for engineering is Oct 15-18th and the I2SL Sustainable Labs conference is Oct 22-25, if we can avoid these two weeks that would be terrific?
Thank you
Paul Foote
Hello Elizabeth,
Any updates on the timing for this event?
I am looking to coordinate the ECIP awards for 2022 and 2023 during this event.
Paul Foote
From: Hulse, Daphne Lauren
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2023 9:37 AM
To: Fraterrigo, Jennifer M <>
Subject: RE: DRS battery disposal
Hi Jen,
Follow up - the Waste Transfer Station does not track how many lead acid batteries are collected across campus and picked up by Interstate, so I have reached out to Interstate to see if pickups are something they track.
Thank you!
Daphne Hulse (she/her)
Zero Waste Coordinator
Facilities & Services | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
+1 (217) 333-7550 |
Please consider the environment before printing an email. Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act any written communication to or from university employees regarding university business is a public record and may be subject to public disclosure.
From: Fraterrigo, Jennifer M <>
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2023 10:24 AM
To: Hulse, Daphne Lauren <>
Subject: RE: DRS battery disposal
In other words, we generate revenue from recycling the lead acid batteries and then use that revenue to purchase new lead acid batteries. Is that correct? That’s great!
Thanks for following up with Surplus. Once I hear back from you I will reach out to Seema.
From: Hulse, Daphne Lauren <>
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2023 10:03 AM
To: Fraterrigo, Jennifer M <>
Subject: RE: DRS battery disposal
More info on the batteries: the lead acid batteries that are taken to the cage on the west side of WTS are then given back to Interstate Batteries as a refundable core deposit. This is often mandated by state legislature. Lead acid batteries are used in vehicles (so our Garage is a big producer of these), and the cost of purchasing new lead acid batteries covers the cost of returning them for recycling. So these are one type of battery currently successfully being recycled. I’ll see if WTS keeps a record of weight on this, to know how much we are recycling.
I will follow up with Surplus to see if they have any idea how many electronics batteries they are sending to Secure Processors, the vendor that accepts these kinds of batteries for recycling.
Thank you,
From: Hill, Landon E <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 8, 2023 4:20 PM
To: Hulse, Daphne Lauren <>
Cc: Fraterrigo, Jennifer M <>; Varney, Pete <>
Subject: RE: DRS battery disposal
Is there something specific that you are looking for?
DRS picks up most anything chemical that is requested for disposal through the campus waste management app:
All alkaline batteries are trashed.
Rechargeable batteries are recycled.
Lead acid batteries are taken to the cage on the west side of the Waste Transfer Station.
P10G96450 placed in the cafe, 613, on the south wall near the TV monitor.