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Main Quad

61801 Urbana , IL
United States

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Projects at this location

Project Description
Crowd Management for Quad Day: Living Lab Project

Yanfeng Ouyang (Professor), Shelly Zhang (Professor), and their PhD students from the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering are collaborating with Facilities and Services to develop a model to optimize the pedestrian flow on the Quad Day 2020.

Recycling for the Quad

This project will improve the waste process in and around the Quad.  First the project will provide a recycling bin to be placed next to each existing bin.  Then signage will be changed and color coded to clearly indicate that the new bins are for recycling and the existing bins will be used for only landfill material.  In addition, additional signage will be placed in buildings on the Quad to launch new standards and clarifying what can be recycled.  These new signs will assist to inform a community that currently believes all material is sorted on site.