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2-6-23 Internal Meeting

Posted by Daphne Hulse on February 7, 2023

On February 6, UIUC sustainability representatives met and discussed the following:

Attendance: Bryan Johnson, Steve Breitwieser, Julie Wurth, Shawn Patterson, Dominika Szal, Travis Tate, Jen Fraterrigo, Thurman Etchison, Pete Varney, Tony Mancuso, Daphne Hulse


  1. Housing/Dining: #Don’tWasteWednesday

    1. Housing is prepared for their post on Wednesday.

  2. Housing/Dining: Glass hauling to Midwest Fiber

    1. Thurman reported that Dining does not pay to dispose of (recycle) their glass at Midwest Fiber.

      Tailgate recycling Fall 2023 - exploring glass recycling.

    2. Dominika will follow up with Midwest Fiber.

  3. iSEE: Basketball volunteer sign-up timeline

    1. Daphne to create the sheet, iSEE/Eric to send out/promote.

    2. Volunteer numbers:

      1. 15 sign up spots for 5:00pm-6:30pm (set up, advertisement to those entering)

      2. 35 sign up spots for 6:30pm - 8:00pm (half-time collection, t-shirt giveaway)

      3. 50 sign up spots for 8:00pm - 9:30pm (end-game collection, arena collection, tear down)

  4. iSEE: Earth Week/Month programming - interns/Tony/Eric Green

    1. Office Supplies Collection - check on timing of this. Already a lot is planned!

      1. Bypass Surplus: <$100, no p-tag - loop in Steve Breitwieser/Travis Tate into this conversation.

      2. “Take it or leave it,” allow students, faculty, staff, to take and leave items, donate excess office supplies to local schools.

    2. Arbor Day & Tree Planting - ?

    3. Trash Pick-Up - iSEE interns looking into this.

  5. F&S CRC: F&S basketball communications strategy

    1. Digital signboards across campus - Coca-Cola to provide a digital sign.

    2. Eweek, GradLinks, iNews posts

    3. Other recommendations?

      1. Outreach to media (recap of previous game, segue into long-term direction).

        1. Daphne to send info to Steve.

        2. Jen: Tim Knox says single-ticket and season-ticket holders receive information. Can we raise visibility of this event to them? Highlight reusable bottle policy. Daphne + Jen to work with Marty + Tim.

  6. Group feedback: Game day posters design

    1. Consistent branding with the digital signboards.

    2. Communicate the primary objective of the event.

      1. Feedback

        1. Reduce sponsorship size - remove F&S and iSEE change to general university, move to bottom

        2. Increase size of text, remove “with us,” consider removing “Bottles & Cans”

        3. Increase the size of recycling logo

  7. Group feedback: Post-game survey

    1. Did you notice that this was a recycling-focused game? YES/NO

    2. Did you know State Farm Center recycles bottles and cans? YES/NO

    3. Did you recycle your cans and/or bottles at this game? YES/NO/I HAD NO RECYCLABLES

    4. Would you like to see more recycling initiatives at State Farm Center? YES/NO

    5. Can we use this as a vehicle for messaging re: reusable bottles?

      1. Did you know you can bring your own clear, reusable bottle to [check DIA language] athletic events? YES/NO