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Reminder: Environmentally Preferable Procurement (EPP) follow-up

Posted by Quinn Connolly on April 6, 2023

Hi all,


This is a friendly reminder that we are scheduled to meet to discuss EPP tomorrow (Thursday) from 2 – 3 PM via Zoom (link below). Looking forward to speaking with you all then!





Good morning,


Here is the current draft I’ve put together for the EPP Guide. I’ll be ready to discuss at our meeting this afternoon.




Aaron M Finder


Good morning,


I wanted to follow up to make sure this stays on everyone radar. Does anyone have anything to add to the attachment?


Thank you,


Aaron M Finder


Hi Aaron,


Thank you for following up on the EPP Guide last month. I am wondering what the current status is - are you still looking for feedback from us?





Hi Meredith,


Syd was able to send over some comments but I am awaiting a responses from the others on this thread. If anyone has any recommendation for improvements or wants to forward this document to other UIUC stakeholders for their input, that would be appreciated. To ensure we maintain progress, could everyone have their comments in by 6/30/2022?




Aaron M Finder


Hi all,


Thanks for including me. I attached my comments. As I am joining this conversation late, you may have already discussed some of the issues that I raise. Generally, I think we could provide more specific criteria in some places. The UC System has a very detailed document that we could consult for guidance. I am not advocating for the stringent guidelines they use, but putting this out there as a nice resource:


Happy to chat about this if desired.






Hi Aaron,


Can you provide a status update on the procurement document please?





Hi Jennifer,


To date, I have only received comments from you and Pete’s former intern. I was hoping to receive more input from F&S as they will be the department most impacted. If F&S does not have further comment, we can work towards finalizing the document.




Aaron M Finder


Hi Aaron and Jen,


Please see the attached EPP document with additional comments from F&S.


Thank you,



Hi Morgan,


Putting this back on the radar! This was the most recent document we have with our EPP guidelines, sent to Aaron Finder. Where should we go from here?


Thank you,