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SSC funds Campus Instructional Facility Geothermal

Posted by Laura Schultz on April 25, 2019

Construction will begin in June on the University of Illinois Campus Instructional Facility (CIF), which will be the first public-private partnership on the UIUC campus and the first geothermal system project of its size and scale. This geothermal installation will be scalable, allowing for expansion to other buildings on the Bardeen Quad. The system will reduce overall usage of other energy sources and provide a form of resiliency when parts of the campus energy system go offline, as well as reduce dependence on the Abbott Power Plant. It will also provide a prime opportunity to seek publicity and coverage to promote the UI as a leader of sustainability. Its completion will be a milestone for the university’s goal of carbon neutrality and will be the first to use this forward looking design while transitioning the campus towards a cleaner tomorrow.