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  1. Transit analysis

    Associated Project(s): 

    In FY08, the UI funded a Transit Analysis for the University District by MAB.   The study reviewed options for Bus Rapid Tramsit lines and methods for reducing bus traffic on Wright Street. 

  2. Estimates from GE proposal

    The project proposal was received from GE Wind Energy on September 10th 2007, and opened on September 16th 2007. According to the proposal, the estimate for construction is a range of $11.4 million to $12.6 million and for the total project budget would be $12.1 million to $13.4 million.

    Also, GE Wind Energy proposal stated an October 1, 2007 expiration date! This estimate infers that the university's current budget ($5.7 million) is enough to build only one turbine.

  3. Proposal from GE

    GE Wind Energy were the only ones who would quote the University of Illinois. (Vistas said they were not taking orders for anything less than 30 MW, however, the UI project was for only 4.5 MW)

    GE could not meet the August 16th deadline and therefore, the university extended the deadline to September 20th. The university received GE's proposal on September 10th. However, GE quoted the turbines to be delivered by late 2009 or early 2010.


  4. LED Exit Signs Phase 1

    Associated Project(s): 

    Phase 1 of the LED Exit Sign project will replace incandescent exit signage with LED fixtures in facilities used for the Engineering Open House. The building involved are the Material Sciences and Engineering Building,  the Mechanical Engineering Building, the Transportation Building, Altgeld Hall, Morrill Hall, Burrill Hall, Noyes Laboratory, and the Undergraduate Library.

  5. Photo in UIUC News Bureau

    Rain, rain, come this way
    The campus’s first rain garden, the Red Oak Rain Garden, southwest of Allen Hall, was dedicated April 19. The rain garden collects storm water, directing it away from sidewalks into a garden planted with native plants that soak up the water and improve the quality of groundwater. Students designed and installed the sculptures and the garden, which is a Building a Lasting University Environment (BLUE) project funded by Facilities and Services in conjunction with the Environmental Council.

    Attached Files: 
  6. EAPC hired to develop construction documents

    The UI Board of Trustees approved hiring a North Dakota company, Engineers Architects PC, to develop plans for building three wind turbines on the UI's South Farms. The UI will pay the North Dakota firm, Engineers Architects PC, $87,500 to design the project and prepare construction documents, plus $24,000 in additional fees. Reimbursable expenses are not to exceed $46,000. 

  7. ICECF Grant Award

    Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation (ICECF) grant that was filed in September 2005, was approved. On December 1st, 2005, the university received the grant award notification with following main points:

    • Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation awards a grant of up to $2,000,000 to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for the Installation of 3 Wind Turbines (4.5MW) on Campus South Farms.
    • Grant is to be used during the period of November 1, 2005 through August 31, 2007.


    Attached Files: 
