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  1. SAIC Report in the iCAP: Behavioral Changes and Incentives

    Associated Project(s): 

    Although the SAIC report describes the potential energy savings from behavioral changes in its section on metering, it does not include it in its analysis. The University believes a well designed incentive and education program can reduce campus energy consumption by at least 5 percent. Such a program should seek to ensure that cost savings from energy conservation measures benefit building users (e.g. “energy rebates” to students in high-performing departments, or energy-driven reductions in overhead rates for faculty). In addition, adding real-time energy displays in campus buildings and via electronic media can help promote awareness and incentive for improvement. Many buildings have limited or no control over their thermostat settings. However, the departments that occupy these spaces do get a substantial influence in setting building temperatures and enacting more reasonable settings. This will require behavioral change from the academic units and the building occupants. The target for behavioral changes is 5 percent. 

  2. SAIC Report in the iCAP: Other HVAC

    Associated Project(s): 

    This category includes conversion from constant air volume reheat to variable air volume, eliminating summer steam usage (reheat), heat recovery, variable speed drives for fans and pumps, and steam system maintenance (including trap replacement and pipe insulation). The target for other HVAC is 12.5 percent.

  3. SAIC Report in the iCAP: Hot Water

    Associated Project(s): 

    This category includes using instantaneous and semi-instantaneous hot water heaters, increasing insulation on hot water tanks, utilizing recovered heat from chiller condensers and other sources, and temperature setbacks. The target for hot water is 4.5 percent.

  4. Student Sustainability Committee award application

    The Student Sustainability Committee (SSC) applied for (and later won) the Illinois Governor's Sustainability Award in 2010. 

    SSC is a sub-entity of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, with the primary purpose of bringing potential sustainable projects to fruition on the campus of UIUC. Students on the committee, advised by University administrators and faculty members, evaluate and select sustainable projects to fund through a comprehensive three-step project approval process. Through its selection process, the committee exercises its enormous potential in seeding and developing novel and innovative sustainable practices in construction, building and grounds management, and energy production.

  5. 2010 iCAP commitment

    Associated Project(s): 

    The 2010 iCAP executive summary included this commitment:

    "The University will establish a dedicated, centrally coordinated funding pool for energy conservation projects within the next three years. This “clean energy” fund will allow for both internal (student fees, faculty contributions, staff contributions, energy savings reinvestment, capital programs), and external (programs, rebates, donations, outside investors) participation. It will be established as a capital infusion and coordination mechanism aimed at physical energy and energy cost reductions that also allows for the sustained maintenance of these investments."

  6. iCAP completed

    In May 2010, iCAP was completed with the following goals (for the wind project):

    • Goal is to eventually make the U of I carbon neutral by 2050
    • Describes a path toward the fulfillment of the commitment of the American College & University Presidents’ Climate Commitment (signed by University in 2008)
    • Among the commitment the University is making in order to achieve carbon neutrality goal is renewable energy
    • Target: “Strive to meet the requirements for renewable energy generation in the ILRPS both on campus (priority) and off campus (if necessary) as follows:
      • 5 percent of total campus energy from renewable sources by fiscal year 2015
      • 17.5 percent of total campus energy from renewable sources by fiscal year 2020
      • 25 percent of total campus energy from renewable sources by fiscal year 2025
      • End coal usage at Abbott Power Plant by 2017”
    • Among the 5 strategies to do this: “Install at least three utility-scale wind turbines on the south campus, with a minimum of one to be installed by 2011”
    Attached Files: 
  7. 2010 iCAP Solar goals

    Associated Project(s): 

    The 2010 iCAP included goals to increase renewable energy on campus.  Regarding solar energy, the 2010 iCAP said, "A full study for solar electric or thermal energies has not yet been conducted. Estimates of the built campus area of ~5 square kilometers can likely accommodate 5 percent solar photovoltaic (PV) array coverage as rooftop solar—or about 250,000 square meters, with peak generation capacity of 25 MW, and generating 45 million kWh of electricity. This has the potential to displace 10 percent of current campus electricity usage. Potential for larger tracking arrays on the South Farms also exists."  It also included the strategy, "Increase the amount of solar photovoltaic and thermal projects."

  8. Roger Adams Laboratory (completed)

    Associated Project(s): 

    A portion of the T-12 fixtures in the Roger Adams Laboratory were retrofitted in the 2008 leg of the ICECF Lighting Retrofit. The remaining 2,064 fixtures were replaced in the 2009 Retrofit, however, allowing an additional Annual kWh Savings of 157,759 hours. The Simple Payback for the replacing these fixtures in the remaining portion of the building is 3.34 years.

  9. Open House, April 2010

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Campus Bike Project, located at 608 East Pennsylvania Ave. in Champaign, will hold an open house on Friday, April 23, from noon to 5 p.m. in conjunction with Earth Day. Tours will be available every hour, on the hour, at 12 noon, 1 p.m., 2 p.m., 3 p.m., and 4 p.m.

    Attached Files: 
  10. Roger Adams Laboratory (portion)

    Associated Project(s): 

    Sixty-four lighting fixtures in a portion of the Roger Adams Laboratory were changed from T-12 fixtures to T-8 fixtures as part of the ICECF Lighting Retrofit. This will allow an Annual kWh Savings of 10,092 hours. The Simple Payback for changing the fixtures in the Roger Adams Laboratory is 2.01 years.

  11. Undergraduate Library

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the ICECF 2009 Lighting Retrofit, 2,294 T-12 fixtures in the Undergraduate Library were replaced with the more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 508,525 hours. The simple payback for this project is -0.17 years.

  12. 2010 Waste Reduction Plan

    From: Wegel, Carl V (Facilities & Services)
    Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 3:31 PM
    To: Dempsey, John G (Facilities & Services)
    Subject: FW: Waste Reduction Plan 2010




    I asked Tracy to proceed.  We should be good for another 5 years.




    From: Osby, Tracy L (Facilities & Services)
    Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 5:35 PM
    To: Wegel, Carl V (Facilities & Services)
    Subject: Waste Reduction Plan 2010



    I have made the adjustments that were recommended and Tim has adjusted the numbers as needed. Unless notified differently, tomorrow Wednesday 3/31/10, I will proceed to send an e-version to:


    David E. Smith, Manager

    Illinois College Assistance Program for Recycling and Waste reduction (I-CAP)

    Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity

    620 East Adams - CIPS 5

    Springfield, IL 62701 - 1615


    I will also have to send via U.S. mail an original and three copies (signed), as it is required according to the guidelines. Thanks


    Tracy Osby
    Facilities and Services
    Coordinator Of Campus Waste Management (Interim)
    Waste Transfer Station
    10 E. St. Mary's Road
    Champaign, IL 61820
    (217) 244 - 7283

    Attached Files: 
  13. Bevier Hall

    Associated Project(s): 

    A total of 1,982 lighting fixtures in Bevier Hall were changed from T-12 fixtures to T-8 fixtures as part of the ICECF Lighting Retrofit. This will allow an Annual kWh Savings of 338,894 hours. The Simple Payback for changing the fixtures inBevier Hall is 1.26 years.

  14. Noyes Laboratory

    Associated Project(s): 

    A total of 1,574 lighting fixtures in the Noyes Laboratory were changed from T-12 fixtures to T-8 fixtures as part of the ICECF Lighting Retrofit. This will allow an Annual kWh Savings of 276,264 hours. The Simple Payback for changing the fixtures in the Noyes Laboratory is 0.94 years.
