Academic hourly position available
Academic Hourly position for Composting will start June 1.
Academic Hourly position for Composting will start June 1.
Tim Hoss was approved as a Recycling Assistant academic hourly position to oversee the implementation of the Food Waste Composting Facility and assist with other iCAP waste management projects.
Staff answered questions from DCEO about the FSCRAP grant, in cooperation with University Grants and Contracts. Additionally, staff provided detailed responses to inquiries from students about the status of the project.
The firm that was hired last fall to complete the Compost Feasibility Study, Foth, submitted a draft of their study to the University in early January for comments. Immediately following, F&S applied for $250,000 from the F-SCRAP Grant from DCEO, for equipment and site improvements for the Large-Scale Food Waste Composting Facility. In order to apply for the grant, the University was required to commit to funding the remaining portion of the facility’s proposed budget, and an emergency phone meeting was called by the Student Sustainability Committee to assign funding toward this. The committee voted in favor and granted $250,000 toward the project. A draft plan for the compost facility was also developed and distributed to key stakeholders in mid-January for feedback.
This proposal seeks to complete a feasibility study re: composting of campus food waste. The scope of work for this study includes evaluation of proposed composting sites and identification of the optimal location, specification of necessary site improvements, verification of analysis regarding program size and logistics and development of a program plan with capital equipment needs. This study will enable establishment of a food-waste program that will divert ~600 tons of foodwaste from the landfill annually (and accompanying methane and CO2 emissions), in support of the Illinois Climate Action Plan, and campus waste reduction goals. This project is also being supported by $7,400 funding from the Office of Sustainability. The Student Sustainability Committee is in favor of funding a grant in the amount of $15,000.
SSC confirmed funding of $15,000 for composting feasibility study 5/9/11. Study approved 5/12/11 by Chancellor’s Capital Review Committee (CCRC) with Fall 2011 completion target. Proposal requested from Retainer A/E Foth Engineering, which was also the A/E on the previous composting project before it was cancelled.
Meeting with SSC and F&S to confirm details of composting feasibility study scope. Kevin, Matt, and Morgan worked on completing the project request form. Kevin, Carl, and Tracy worked on detailing the transportation charges budget. Kevin also met with Dawn Aubrey about the food waste supply.
Planning Division brought into discussion, so the project can get implemented. Matt Edmonson assigned as capital planner for the Food Waste Composting Feasibility Study.
Series of emails from Kevin Wolz with various F&S staff. Tracy was involved in discussions with Kevin about the waste container and truck options. Ryan Welch was involved in discussions with Kevin about the possibilities of using the Grounds landscape compost site and equipment.
Kevin Wolz met with Carl Wegel & Tracy Osby to discuss compost pick-up & transportation
Small-scale food waste pilot project continuing at the Illinois Sustainable Technologies Center.
SSC minutes from 10/8/10 include this update:
Student Sustainability Committee (SSC) includes composting on list for proposed funding. Kevin Wolz assigned as SSC Intern “working at feasibility of composting.”
Is your farm sustainable? How can you make your farm sustainable? The Illinois Farm Sustainability Calculator can help you figure out these things out. And it's pretty easy to use. See the list of tabs on the bottom of your screen? Navigate through them by using the grey buttons at the top of the sheets or by hitting ctrl+page down (cmd+page down on macs) In each sheet, fill each white box with data from your farm. Be sure to make a selection in all of the white drop-down boxes too. If you don't know something, leave the default number or the default selection in place. If your farm does not have ten separate fields, leave the extra field sheets unchanged. Same goes for any extra ruminant, swine, and poultry sheets.
Previous composting study “U08067 Dairy Cattle Composting Facility” reviewed options for full scale complete composting of animal, food, agriculture, and landscape waste. Study was cancelled before completion because ACES ran into budget issues and the whole Dairy program was slated for potential reduction or elimination.
The 2007 University of Illinois Master Plan includes a composting site on the South Farms Master Plan map.