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Projects Updates for Zero Waste iCAP Team

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  1. iCAP Working Group Agenda for 4/2/2015

    Dear iCAP Working Group Members,

    As a reminder, we will be meeting this Thursday at 1:30 (and also next Thursday, 4/9, at 1:30).

    This week we will discuss the timeline for completing our work on the iCAP, and then turn our attention to the 7 attached formal recommendations we've received from the Transportation and Purchasing, Waste, and Recycling SWATeams.  Please review these in advance of the meeting, so that we can discuss them most efficiently.  If you will not be able to join us due to a schedule conflict, please email me in advance if you have any particular concerns.

    Next week (4/9), we'll be joined by Kent Reifsteck and Mike Larson from F&S, and also Scott Willenbrock from the Energy Generation SWATeam, so that we can discuss what the iCAP should say about charting a pathway for clean energy for our campus.



    Professor Benjamin J. McCall

    Associate Director for Campus Sustainability Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  2. April 2 2015 minutes

  3. PWR001 Zero Waste Coordinator recommendation - Submittal

    The PWR SWATeam submitted a recommendation, PWR001 Zero Waste Coordinator, stating, "Hire a Zero Waste Coordinator to communicate and implement waste reduction strategies, to meet the commitments of the iCAP."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation, PWR001 Zero Waste Coordinator, complete with comments from all the PWR SWATeam members.

  4. PWR002 Standard Signage recommendation - Submittal

    The PWR SWATeam submitted a recommendation, PWR002 Standard Signage, stating, "We recommend that campus buildings standardize the signage on landfill and recycling bins. The signage should be color-coded and consistent throughout campus. Using the color scheme created by Recycle Across America is advised."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation PWR002 Standard Signage complete with comments from all the PWR SWATeam members.

  5. PWR003 Recycling Bins recommendation - Submittal

    The PWR SWATeam submitted a recommendation to the iWG stating, "We recommend that campus buildings add adequate recycling stations and make efforts to avoid having isolated landfill bins."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation, PWR003 Recycling Bins, complete with comments from all the PWR SWATeam members.

  6. reusable cups idea

    Associated Project(s): 

    From: Johnston, Morgan B
    Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2014 4:38 PM
    To: Purchasing Waste and Recycling SWATeam; Guth, David Christian; Aubrey, Dawn
    Subject: reusable cups

    Hello Purchasing, Waste, and Recycling SWATeam, David (for the Union), and Dawn (for Dining Services),

    I would like to pass along this information about reusable cups that could replace single-use coffee cups around campus.  What do you think about this product?



    From: Justin Hanseth
    Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 1:34 PM
    To: Johnston, Morgan B
    Subject: Pleasure meeting you at ACUPCC Summit


    Great meeting you in Boston last week at the ACUPCC Climate Leadership Summit. 

    You asked for more information about SUSTAIN® and mentioned UIUC may be a good candidate for such a program to reduce waste and increase student engagement on campus.  See attached for more info.

    As a refresher, we make the Starbucks $1 Reusable Recyclable coffee cup sold in every Starbucks store, and I am interested in partnering with a forward-thinking university to pilot a SUSTAIN® campus program.  It sounded like UIUC is a leader in sustainability, so I perhaps it would have an interest in being one of the first campuses in the country to implement a program like ours. 

    Want to connect for a call in the next couple weeks to continue our conversation?  I would love to learn more about the great programs you have developed on campus. 

    My best,

    Justin Hanseth

    Justin Hanseth,  Business Development Lead - Sustain

    MAIN 206 999 6736 - FAX 206 441 2823

    2401 Elliott Ave. 4th Floor, Seattle, WA 98121-3300

    PMI - Aladdin - Stanley - Sustain -

    Sustain® is a registered trademark of PMI. Property of PMI - Confidential - Do Not Duplicate - Do Not Distribute



  7. draft recommendations

    Associated Project(s): 

    Thanks for the excellent discussion on Monday about the first draft of the iCAP section on Purchasing, Waste and Recycling.  I tried to reflect the comments in the attached revised draft, provided in clean and marked versions. 

    Because Casey and I need to prepare a presentation for October 22 on our draft, please send me comments by Monday, October 20 at 9 am.

    Hope you are happy with our progress.  Thanks and best wishes. - Warren Lavey

  8. include Auxiliaries

    Associated Project(s): 

    Good morning, all.

    An issue that came up in my mind that I did not want to bring up yesterday for fears it would derail conversation/take up too much time: I think it is critical that the iCAP and its policies apply to the Auxiliaries on campus – Housing, Intercollegiate Athletics, Recreation, etc. If you think about the State Farm Center and Memorial Hall, and all of the housing and dining halls, they are a *significant* generator/handler of purchases and waste. Does/will the iCAP and its policies apply to them.

    And I think it is great that someone else (Morgan) suggested that our contracts with vendors include items that we want them to address in their bids and work with campus: recycling, use of sustainable/recyclable materials, reporting requirements, etc.

    Great conversation yesterday!

    Until next time,


  9. comments on draft from Olivia Webb

    Associated Project(s): 

    I'd like to add a strategy: to review purchasing policy to curtail unnecessary purchases in general. I would also like to note the previous iCAP strategies in this report: this is important when saying things like "several of the previous strategies are unlikely to be implemented at UIUC". 

    I also think that this sentence-

    On several measures of purchases and waste, UIUC has been performing worse than in the iCAP

    baseline year (2008) – such as more total waste and landfill, and lower weight of recycled commodities.

    should be changed to have better wording, like:

    Compared to the iCAP baseline year (2008), the University has been displaying poor performance on several measure related to purchasing and waste: the total amount of waste sent to the landfill has increased, and the amount of waste diverted to recycling has decreased.

    Finally, I feel that references to UIUC should be changed to "the University", not an acronym.

    If the exact wording will not be adopted in the new iCAP, the last two suggestions are somewhat irrelevant.

  10. draft revisions

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello, SWATeam and Consultation Group.  Here is a draft of our section for the new iCAP, reflecting our discussions, our report last week, and Casey's work.  Please review and send me comments by Thursday at noon.  I will then prepare a revised draft and send it out for your review prior to our meeting next Monday at 4:30 pm.

    Thanks and best wishes.

    Warren Lavey

    Attached Files: 
  11. comments on draft from Junhua Jiang

    Associated Project(s): 

    Warren and SWAT Team:

    Thank you very much for your time and the new version. I think that it is in great shape. I will be available on October 13.

    Best regards,

    Junhua Jiang

    Senior Research Engineer, PhD

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    Illinois Sustainable Technology Center

  12. comments on draft from Marcus Ricci

    Associated Project(s): 

    I like the revisions, Warren and SWATeam.

    I know that this is late – and I meant to mention it on the earlier draft but forgot – are you making any recommendations for handling C&D waste? Thoughts:

    • Campus and contractors must weigh all C&D waste generated at a worksite (scale is available for free at the WTS) and report to the Capital Projects office (and iSEE, or the STARS reporter)
    • All C&D waste must be disposed of at an approved C&D recycling center, such as MidAmerica Recycling, which accepts it for free (but doesn’t weigh it or provide any receipts)


  13. update

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello, SWATeam and Consultation Group.  Thank you for your comments on the draft report and for providing additional information.

    Here is the report that our SWATeam is submitting to iSEE.  Let's hope that it will be helpful.

    The next step is drafting a revised section of the iCAP.  Let's meet on Monday, October 13 at 4:30 pm (Dilip, can you find a room?).  I'll send around a draft before the meeting.

    Best wishes.

    Warren Lavey

    Attached Files: 
