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Projects Updates for Zero Waste iCAP Team

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  1. PWR018 iBUY Modification - Submittal

    The PWR SWATeam submitted a recommendation asking the following:

    "The PWR SWATeam kindly requests that the following four improvements be made in the iBUY shopping dashboard.
    • Prioritize sustainable products (e.g. office paper, cleaning products) in the catalogue.
    • Prioritize sustainable and smart electronics (e.g. computers, monitors, TV’s, etc), that are certified as energy-efficient (Energy Star and EPEAT (Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool), rated computers and electronics to reduce energy consumption).
    • Develop a more logical search mechanism for the website so sustainable products are found quicker and prioritized.
    • Simplify “punchout vendor” catalogs and make them emphasize sustainable products."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation PWR018 iBuy Modification complete with comments from PWR SWATeam members.

    An iCAP Working Group assessment of the recommendation began on July 2, 2019. 

  2. PWR014 Sustainability Ethics Training - Submittal

    The PWR SWATeam submitted the following recommendation:

    "The PWR SWATeam, in conjunction with the ECBS SWATeam, kindly requests that iSEE work with the UI Ethics Office to prepare videos and/or information for sustainability training for UIUC students, staff, and faculty.
    • In the case of university employees who do their mandatory annual ethics training, optional additional short videos at the end of the mandatory annual training is one possibility for increasing sustainability awareness.
    • We suggest multiple avenues for exposing students to appropriate videos including showing them in Residence Halls, freshman orientation classes, e.g., LAS 101, ACES 101, etc., and sporting events would also reach a large student audience. These videos would be designed to be effective and revealing, e.g., showing a video of the daily waste generated on campus at the UIUC waste transfer station being one of many options to increase student awareness of the magnitude of the campus waste problem.
    • The project would likely be achieved through the efforts of a graduate student, perhaps reporting to the Zero-Waste Coordinator and interacting with the PWR SWATeam.

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation PWR014 Sustainability Ethics Training with comments from PWR SWATeam members.

    An iCAP Working Group assessment of this recommendation began on July 2, 2019.

  3. PWR020 F&S Waste Report Endorsement - Submittal

    The PWR SWATeam submitted a recommendation asking the following:

    "The PWR SWATeam respectfully requests iSEE to fully support the eight (8) recommendations stipulated in the F&S Indoor Solid Waste and Recycling Collection Report."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation PWR020 F&S Waste Report Endorsement complete with comments from PWR SWATeam members.

    An iCAP Working Group assessment of the recommendation began on July 2, 2019. 

  4. PWR019 Sustainable Procurement - Submittal

    The PWR SWATeam submitted a recommendation asking the following:

    "The PWR SWATeam kindly requests that all products that are purchased using university funds be in accordance with Section 44 of the Administrative Code, Procurement Rules for Institutes of Higher Education, Section 4.4520 “Recycled Supplies” and 4.4525 “Recyclable Supplies (Paper)”). Additional relevant sections of the Administrative Code, Procurement Rules are presented at the end of this Recommendation.

    Currently these parts of the Administrative Code are difficult to enforce due to direct department access to University contracted iBuy vendor catalogs. In an attempt to gain process efficiencies, these transactions can be made without the oversight of the purchasing office. To increase compliance, the purchasing office should work with contracted vendors to modify iBuy catalogs to prioritize and promote the sale of sustainable supplies. See relevant sections of the Administrative Code, Procurement Rules shown at the end of this recommendation.

    This could be facilitated by the Zero Waste Coordinator, who would work with Purchasing to monitor compliance with the code and to follow-up with campus units that are not in compliance with the code.

    Additionally, the possibility of purchasing centralization should remain open for consideration in the
    future to achieve compliance with Section 44 of Administrative Code."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation PWR019 Sustainable Procurement complete with comments from PWR SWATeam members.

    An iCAP Working Group assessment of the recommendation began on July 2, 2019. 

  5. PWR017 Housing Representative for Zero Waste SWATeam - Transmitted

    The PWR SWATeam submitted a recommendation asking the following:

    "PWR kindly requests the addition of a member from the Student Housing Department to the PWRSWATeam. Ideally, this person would be a director or associate director so that planning and initiatives will receive attention at the highest level and be disseminated effectively."

    As a recommendation with minor impact, and because a switch for former ALUFS SWATeam member and Assistant Director of Dining Services Thurman Etchison to the new Zero Waste team was already planned, it was transmitted directly to iWG member and University Housing Director Alma Sealine. 

    Morgan White wrote in the transmission:

    "As you know, we are modifying the SWATeam structure this year and we have asked Thurman to shift from the previous Agriculture, Food, Land Use, and Sequestration (ALUFS) SWATeam to the Zero Waste SWATeam. He agrees with this change and said “Please count me in” per the attached email.

    Please take a moment to reply and confirm that Housing is able to provide a Housing representative on the Zero Waste SWATeam this coming year."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation PWR017 Housing Representative complete with comments from PWR SWATeam members.

  6. PWR015 Lightbulb Replacement - Submittal

    The PWR SWATeam compiled the following recommendation:

    "The PWR & ECBS SWATeams suggest a switch from conventional incandescent light bulbs to LED or CFL light bulbs
    • This switch would occur during REPLACEMENT of expired bulbs in all buildings and/or during remodeling. Such a switch needs to be implemented gradually, i.e., replacing the current incandescent lightbulbs as they stop working, with lower energy and longer life CFL bulbs."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation PWR015 Lightbulb Replacement with comments from PWR SWATeam members.

    An iCAP Working Group assessment of this recommendation began on July 2, 2019.

  7. Update on the Illini Gadget Garage

    Members of the Purchasing, Waste and Recycling Sustainability Working Advisory Team (SWAT),

    The main reason for my note though, is to provide an update on the Illini Gadget Garage (IGG) project. As you know, ISTC decided it would no longer be coordinating the project, and there was some uncertainty about its future. I’m pleased to say that for now the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning will be exploring “adoption” of the project on a trial basis, beginning next semester. I’ve copied Jamie Nelson and Jim Wentworth of CITL, who will be leading that effort, along with Amanda Elzbieciak, the IGG workshop manager, who has graciously agreed to work with CITL to host some pop-up repair workshops at the innovation spaces in the Armory, and to help with recruitment of volunteers and training. While the workshop space will still be at the IGG’s disposal for storing equipment, etc., next semester, CITL will focus project activities in its spaces at the Armory.

    So the project will continue in some capacity next semester. Whether it continues beyond that point will depend on many factors related to how well it ends up fitting with CITL’s core mission. I’ve also copied my original collaborators in launching the project, William Bullock and Martin Wolske, just so you all are familiar with the names of key people associated with the project and its history. Jamie and Jim, the PWR SWATeam, along with Morgan White, have been very supportive of the IGG project, and they are charged with making recommendations to the iCAP Working Group related to the campus’ waste reduction and prevention goals. At some point next semester, you may wish to discuss any challenges the project might be facing with the SWATeam, for feedback and guidance, or at least to help spread the word about pop-ups and other activities.

    There is nothing further to report for now, and CITL will want to work with Amanda to consider how best to announce their involvement next semester. I simply wanted to let this committee know the status of the situation, and say that I will work with Amanda after the winter break to ensure the transition is smooth. I look forward to seeing how this progresses and hope to see more efforts to foster reuse and repair on campus, in addition to recycling. Thanks to everyone who helped get the project to this point.

    Happy holidays!



    Joy Scrogum

    Sustainability Specialist

  8. discussion items email

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello PWR SWATeam,


    I know you have several topics for your team to address this year, and I am so sorry I cannot attend the meeting on Monday!  This email is to share a few agenda items that I would appreciate your help with, as time permits this fall.


    1. Robert McKim is a new faculty member on this SWATeam, but he has been working with battery recycling all of last year.  Would you please review the report he will share and consider a formal SWATeam recommendation?
    2. I just sent an email regarding the Harding Band Building recycling system.  Please take a look at it and consider a formal recommendation.  I believe a walkthrough of the building may show an opportunity for a new bottles and cans recycling bin inside, and perhaps the large blue tote could be shifted into a more convenient spot during the game days. 
    3. The employees in civil engineering were surveyed by Becky Jonas (with assistance from Tim Stark) about recycling over the summer.  Please take a look at the results Becky has collected.  It is our intention to use your draft recommendation on indoor bin placement, to rearrange the bins in NCEL.  This should be done in consultation with the BSWs and Facility Manager in that building.  Please let me know which folks from your team would like to participate in the meeting with Tim Prunkard and Ramona Burns, about rearranging the indoor bins to increase the recycling rates.  At this time, I do not think a related recommendation is needed.
    4. During tailgates, there is a great opportunity to collect more recyclables in blue bags.  Someone shared the idea with me that we could ask DIA to provide blue bags and a simple flyer about what to recycle in the bags, at the entry ways for tailgate parking areas.  There is already a controlled entry point, so the implementation of handing out blue bags and instructions could be straightforward.  Do you think this could be a formal recommendation to DIA?
    5. The SmartWay recommendation was transmitted to the Illini Union and F&S Stores this week. We intend to have a webinar with instructions from the EPA SmartWay coordinators.  Would any of you be interested in participating in that conference call?
    6. As I understand it, the Purchasing Office has been shifted from the System level to the Campus level for reporting, and there are additional changes still in process about procurement policies and authority.  I met with Brad Henson last week, and he is determined to be available and participate in the SWATeam meetings.  He agreed to send a proxy when he cannot attend, and this Monday that is his intention.  While we were talking, I gave him a brief history on the paper policy discussion, and we thought it may make sense to have purchasing policies in the Campus Administrative Manual.  Until recently, purchasing policies were set at the System level.  Please discuss this possibility with Brad.  I already have the formal recommendation from your team related to this (  I am looking for feedback on the idea of separating the existing policy into two.
    7. For the outdoor bin replacement, we have approval from the Architecture Review Committee, the Superintendent of Grounds, and the Campus Landscape Architect to proceed with the dual bins across campus.  Marya Ryan has provided a rough estimate of the funding needed, as approximately $500,000. Ximing and I would appreciate a recommendation from your team in support of implementing this project, seeking funding support from each of the responsible parties (such as Parking, DIA, Campus, and Student Affairs). Because it is a large-scale highly-visible project, it is likely this recommendation would go to the Sustainability Council, which we hope will meet this November.
    8. Finally, I am hoping to start getting regular (at least twice per year) Project Updates in the iCAP Portal for projects with the status “In Progress.”  Is it possible for your SWATeam to help with this effort?  I believe it would be a matter of looking at the iCAP Portal theme page (, clicking expand all, and reviewing the information on each of the twelve “In Progress” projects.  If it doesn’t have a recent update, then someone on your team could reach out to the contact person and get an update to post. 


    Also, for your info, there is a pending recommendation for hiring a full-time Zero Waste Coordinator.  The iCAP Working Group will discuss this at our first meeting this fall.


    Thank you so much for your help with all of this!  Having students, faculty, and staff working together to advance the iCAP has been a wonderful help, and I am eager to work with you this year.  Sorry again for being unable to attend on Monday.


    All my best,




    Ms. Morgan White

    Associate Director of F&S, Sustainability

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    148B Physical Plant Service Building, MC-800

    1501 S. Oak, Champaign, IL 61820



  9. PWR012 Purchasing Representation recommendation - Successful

    The iWG co-chairs, Ximing Cai and Morgan White, identified this recommendation as a small-scale reecommendation that did not require a full iWG assessment.  They submitted it directly to the Director of Purchasing, Brad Henson, and met with him to discuss the need for a Purchasing Office representative to actively participate in the Zero Waste discussions for campus sustainability.

    Mr. Henson agreed to assign Associate Director of Purchasing, Aaron Finder, to the SWATeam.  For further updates, visit the SWATeam page at Purchasing, Waste, and Recycling (PWR) SWATeam.

  10. SWATeam Appreciation Letter

  11. PWR013 Zero Waste Coordinator recommendation - Submittal

    The PWR SWATeam submitted a recommendation, to the iWG, stating, "We recommend that a full-time Zero Waste Coordinator is hired."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation, PWR013 Zero Waste Coordinator, complete with comments from all the PWR SWATeam members.

  12. PWR012 Purchasing Representation recommendation - Submittal

    The PWR SWATeam submitted a recommendation, to the iWG, stating, "A staff member on the University of Illinois Purchasing Division commit to regularly attend the meetings of the Purchasing, Waste, and Recycling SWATeam."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation, PWR012 Purchasing Representation, complete with comments from all the PWR SWATeam members.

  13. PWR011 SmartWay Union recommendation - Submittal

    The PWR SWATeam submitted a recommendation to the iWG stating, "We recommend that Facilities and Services and the Illini Union become certified as an EPA SmartWay Logistics Company Partner, following the example set by University Housing and Dining Services in 2013."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation PWR011 SmartWay Union complete with comments from all the PWR SWATeam members.
