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Projects Updates for Zero Waste iCAP Team
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Zero Waste November Meeting
Associated Project(s):The Zero Waste Team met on November 11 at 1:30 PM. Attached are the meeting minutes.
Attached Files:Zero Waste Team October Meeting Minutes
Associated Project(s):The Zero Waste Team had their first meeting on October 14, 2024. Daphne Hulse provided updates on the 2025 proposed changes as well as a summer recap of accomplishments. Here are the meeting minutes.
Attached Files:CEE 449 Water Sampling Report - Spring 2024
Associated Project(s):In Spring 2024, a CEE 449 course conducted water quality testing from campus buildings (FAR, ISR, Union, CIF). The testing found that lead and copper levels in the water samples from campus buildings were well below EPA standards for safe drinking water. The final report is attached.
Zero Waste iCAP Meeting Minutes 5/3/2024
Associated Project(s):The Zero Waste iCAP team met on 5/3/2024 to finalize end-of-year tasks. Group members reviewed their recommendations for the 2025 iCAP, and outlined priorities for AY 2024-25.
Attached Files:Zero Waste iCAP Team Meeting Minutes 3/22/24
Associated Project(s):The zero-waste team met on 3/22/2024 to discuss plans for the 2025 iCAP. Tim Knox provided an update on GSA membership, and Daphne Hulse shared the results from the Men's and Women's basketball recycling events.
Attached Files:Zero Waste iCAP Team Meeting Minutes 2/19/2024
Associated Project(s):The Zero Waste iCAP Team Met on 2/19/2024 to discuss initiatives regarding environmentally preferred procurement, updates on the university's participation with Coca-Cola buyback, and recyclopedia feedback. The Engagement iCAP team chair, Codie Sterner, joined to discuss the sustainability literacy survey. The Zero Waste Team will come up with questions to add to the survey.
Attached Files:Zero Waste iCAP Team Meeting Minutes 1/26/2024
Associated Project(s):The Zero Waste iCAP Team met on 1/26/24 to review iCAP objectives and the statuses of our focused projects. Thurman Etchison and Daphne Hulse provided updates on Housing Recycling and Recyclopedia. Tim Knox provided updates on Green Sports Alliance membership, and the group discussed the current status of the Coca-Cola Buy-Back program and potential areas of improvement.
Attached Files:Zero Waste iCAP Team Meeting Minutes 12/4/2023
Associated Project(s):The Zero Waste iCAP Team met on 12/4/2024 to discuss updates with our membership in the Green Sports Alliance, the Coca-Cola Buy-Back program, and current hydration station standards. Daphne Hulse provided data from our former Green Tailgate events to show successes and challenges with waste diversion at football games. The Zero Waste Team will be collaborating with the Engagement iCAP Team to discuss how we can better our volunteer outreach.
Attached Files:Zero Waste iCAP Team Minutes 11/6/2023
Associated Project(s):The Zero Waste iCAP team met on 11/6/2023 to discuss the STARS report, potential volunteer programs for zero waste events, and our findings from the hydration station meeting with Mike Stilger (also on 11/6/23).
Attached Files:Zero Waste iCAP Team Meeting 10/9/2023
Associated Project(s):The Zero Waste iCAP Team met on October 9, 2024, to discuss AY 2023-24 action items, iCAP objectives, and charge priorities. The team will be focusing on conducting green tailgating events alongside university athletics, increasing waste reduction and diversion within residence halls, and addressing updates to current facility hydration station standards.
Attached Files:WCIA: Illini football prevents waste with first tailgate recycling event
Associated Project(s):Link to article, published on September 22, 2023
CHAMPAIGN, Ill. (WCIA) — Saturday will mark the very first time Illini Football will host a tailgate recycling event with the “Zero Waste Tailgate.”
The event will be part of the University of Illinois’ Don’t Waste initiative. There will be orange and blue-colored recycling boxes and a bright green dumpster to throw bottles and cans away. Helpers will be of assistance and can be identified by shirts reading, “Be Orange, Go Green.”
Green dumpsters will be placed on the east end of Lot 31 and South First Street. Boxes will be placed throughout Grange Grove and around the Illinois tent in Lot 31.
F&S Website: First-Ever Illini Football Tailgate Recycling Event
Associated Project(s):First-Ever Illini Football Tailgate Recycling Event
Sep 19, 2023 | 10:12 am
New orange and blue recycling boxes and a green dumpster will be available for fans near Memorial Stadium
Illinois Football takes on Florida Atlantic University (FAU) on Saturday, September 23, at Memorial Stadium. Before the non-conference game, several orange and blue recycling boxes and a bright green dumpster will be available to help Fighting Illini fans recycle bottles and cans, which will prevent more items from reaching the landfill.
Individuals in RVs or vehicles entering Lot 31 and Lot 32 will be given blue bags to use to drop off empty bottles and cans at the utility-sized recycling dumpster on the east side of Lot 31, along South First Street. Plastic bottles and aluminum cans and bottles may also be placed by fans into boxes within Grange Grove and around the Illinois Tent in Lot 31. Items may also be thrown in the dumpster.
This first-of-its-kind Tailgate Recycling event on the Urbana campus is a part of the Don’t Waste initiative. Coca-Cola; the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics; the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment; and Facilities & Services are partnering to reduce waste at major campus events and support reaching zero waste goals. Approximately 10 volunteers will wear “Be Orange, Go Green” shirts and will be ready to assist the recycling efforts.
Zero Waste Coordinator Daphne Hulse said, “Illini fans support their team and university like no other. The new Block I–wrapped recycling bins and marked dumpsters for the FAU game will allow tailgaters in these areas to easily recycle bottles and cans and add to the number of pounds of materials diverted from the landfill on our recycling scoreboard.
The new recycling boxes will stay in place for all remaining Illini home games. The next recycling event with volunteers will be Saturday, November 11, when Indiana University visits Champaign.
This year, Don’t Waste has achieved the following milestones:
- With student volunteers’ help during the basketball season, Illini fans collected a State Farm Center basketball gameday record of 1,280 pounds of recyclables in March.
- Two hydration stations were installed at Memorial Stadium this summer to encourage the use of reusable water bottles during Illini games.
- An additional 140 pounds of plastic was diverted from the New Student Convocation event in August.
Establishing a zero waste culture at the U of I is a top sustainability objective of the Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP). The iCAP is the university’s strategic plan to meet the Climate Leadership Commitments, including becoming carbon neutral as soon as possible and building resilience to climate change in the local community. The data collected from these engagement efforts will guide future recycling infrastructure improvements in university facilities and be used to establish best practices for implementing sustainable habits at campuswide gatherings and unit-level events.
For more information about general campus waste management (how that works/what is recycled) and iCAP progress, contact Daphne Hulse, 217-333-7550. And keep watching for social media updates and campus recycling reminders on #DontWasteWednesday.
News Channel 20: University of Illinois promotes recycling at football game with 'Zero Waste Tailgate
Associated Project(s):Link to article, released on September 24, 2023
As guests returned to Memorial Stadium this afternoon for u of i's home game against florida atlantic university, Facilities and Services Department at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign pushed for a cleaner environment with the help of fans.
It hosted Zero Waste Tailgate to encourage guests to toss bottles, cans, and other recyclable goodsby giving them blue bags and placing a large green dumpster near the stadium.
Zero Waste Coordinator, Daphne Hulse believes those items being provided makes it easier to reduce landfill.
Working at a large scale event like this with high visibility, is a great way not only to engage students, faculty and staff. But also community members that come here for these tailgate events." Hulse said. "Collectively we can work towards reducing that landfilled waste.
The next recycle event will be on November 11th at the stadium for u of i's home game against Indiana University.
ZW009 Project4Less Expansion - Transmitted
Associated Project(s):On 6/24/2023, the ZW009 Project4Less Expansion recommendation was transmitted to Alma Sealine and Jason Ensign at University Housing with the following email. The iWG assessment is attached.
Hi Alma and Jason,
Thank you for meeting with iCAP representatives about the Project4Less recommendation from the Zero Waste iCAP Team (ZW009). After our discussion, the iCAP Working Group discussed the topic again, and we have the following recommendation (highlighting added):
The iWG recommends that Housing keep and strengthen their relationship with Project4Less, even though there is a funding shortfall for Housing at large. This project should remain a priority, and in fact they can talk with the student leaders about how best to use the remaining Student Sustainability Committee (SSC) funding of $1,700. There is also a possibility of future SSC funding for future expansion of the program, as needed in conjunction with the continued efforts to reduce food waste.
We also recommend that Housing promote the various sustainability programs they are doing. This should be done through links to the iCAP Portal and in the Housing newsletter.
It would be great if you would identify a contact person we can work with to help promote all the great things that University Housing is doing for campus sustainability. The Formal iCAP Procedures includes a section on campus unit responsibilities upon receipt of a recommendation, and we respectfully request a reply to this recommendation by July 14, if possible.
Morgan and Jen
Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP)iCAP Working Group co-chairs
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign the ZW009 Project4Less Expansion recommendation here.
ZW011 State Farm Center Recycling - Transmitted
Associated Project(s):On 6/6/2023, the ZW011 State Farm Center Recycling recommendation was transmitted to Mr. Josh Whitman and Mr. Tim Knox at the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics (DIA), with the following email. The iWG assessment is attached.
Dear Mr. Whitman and Tim,
The Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) Working Group (iWG) recently reviewed recommendation ZW011 from the Zero Waste iCAP Team. The iWG recommends that the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics increase permanent recycling infrastructure on the upper concourse of the State Farm Center by purchasing and installing 3-stream bins that adhere to the campus standard. Additional details are provided in the attached recommendation and assessment.
The Formal iCAP Procedures include a section on campus unit responsibilities upon receipt of a recommendation, and we respectfully request your response to this recommendation by June 30. If you have any questions regarding this recommendation, we are happy to meet to discuss it.
Jennifer Fraterrigo
Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP)iCAP Working Group co-chairs
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign the ZW011 State Farm Center Recycling recommendation here.
Attached Files:ZW011 State Farm Center Recycling - Submitted
Associated Project(s):On May 5, 2023, Zero Waste iCAP Team submitted the ZW011 State Farm Center Recycling recommendation. Please see attached.
Without appropriate recycling infrastructure on the upper concourse of State Farm Center, campus is losing valuable recyclable materials sent to the landfill (particularly with recyclable items left in the arena). Additionally, the installation of permanent recycling bins on the upper concourse would facilitate the ability for fans to recycle at any athletic or entertainment event held at State Farm Center.
The purpose of this recommendation is to be a conversation-starter in regard to permanent recycling on the upper concourse. The proposed use of MAX-R bins is a suggestion, based on campus’ success with the roll-out of these bins throughout our facilities.
Suggested unit/department to address implementation: Division of Intercollegiate Athletics
Attached Files:ZW008 Adopt a Highway/Drain - Returned
Associated Project(s):ZW008 Adopt a Highway/Drain was returned to the Zero Waste iCAP Team by the iWG. See the following message:
Hello Zero Waste iCAP Team,
Last spring, the Zero Waste iCAP Team submitted a recommendation regarding the adopt a highway/drain programs ( The iCAP Working Group discussed this a couple times and there were a few concerns raised by the iWG and by F&S, such as how we can ensure safety of a student group working on a street drain. You can see the related meeting notes attached here.
We are returning this recommendation to your team for review. If you believe this recommendation is a priority, please discuss it with the Land and Water iCAP Team and the Resilience iCAP Team to refine it before resubmitting.
Thank you,
Morgan and Jen
Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP)iCAP Working Group co-chairs
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign the ZW008 Adopt a Highway/Drain recommendation here.
ZW010 Tailgate Recycling - Successful
Associated Project(s):Following is the response from DIA:
The Division of Intercollegiate Athletics (DIA) approves the recommendation to work with Facilities and Services and the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and the Environment to implement a recycling program at football tailgate events. Assistant Athletic Director Tim Knox will be responsible for coordinating the implementation for DIA.
See the iWG assessment for ZW010 Tailgate Recycling here.
Zero Waste iCAP Meeting 4/25/23
Associated Project(s):On April 25th, the Zero Waste iCAP team met to discuss the State Farm Center Recycling (ZW011) recommendation and brainstorm on the Zero Waste iCAP summary report for the 22-23 FY.
Meeting minutes are attached.
Attached Files: