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Projects Updates for Anaerobic Digester at Beef and Sheep Study

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  1. 2022 TEACHAD Webinar: Case study from the Michigan State University South Campus Anaerobic Digester

    Dana Kirk, Associate Professor at Michigan State University, presented a webinar on May 31, 2022 titled "Universities go green! A case study from the Michigan State University South Campus Anaerobic Digester", which also featured Marcello Pibiri, Senior Research Engineer at Energy Resources Center UIC.

  2. archived info - previous project description

    This project will provide a study to investigate the feasibility of installing an Anaerobic Methane Digester in the area of the University’s South Farms to capture renewable energy from beef, sheep and/or dairy cow waste. The study will assess the possibility of an on-site digester at one site, with one digester system of animal waste.

  3. Energy SWATeam Meeting Minutes from 11-17-20

    On November 17th, the Energy iCAP Team met to discuss student, staff, and chair priorities for forming new recommendations. The team decided on starting to develop three different recommendations in the future:

    (1) Requiring campus buildings to comply with state Energy Code Compliance;

    (2) Encouraging labs on campus to save energy;

    (3) Educating students in residence halls about reducing energy consumption.

    Agenda, meeting minutes, and chat log are attached.

  4. Monthly meeting between David, Sarthak, and Meredith

    Discussed progress with biogas presentation, contacts for additional information for presentation, steps toward drafting a biogas recommendation (i.e. multi-SWATeam meeting), timeline for presentation and recommendation completion. Also discussed the potential for the iWG to put forward this recommendation as opposed to SWATeam(s).

  5. David and Sarthak's meeting notes from December 4

    Discussed inter-SWATeam collaboration on future biogas recommendation, reviewed and edited presentation regarding biogas production and use. Shared data on dining hall food waste to biogas potential and routes to acquire life cycle cost analyses and additional data for biogas presentation (e.g. fertilizer potential of AD digestate).

  6. David and Sarthak's meeting notes from November 20

    David and I met on November 20, 2019 for our first meeting following his Biogas on Campus email on November 13th. David received an email from Doug Wolters from the College of ACES, and Doug said that he will discuss this project with his Dean. David had not heard from anyone else.

  7. Final report

    Anaerobic digestion (AD) is one of the most established technologies for processing waste organics. This study investigated the feasibility of installing an Anaerobic Digester to produce renewable energy from available streams of organic waste (feedstock) within the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign campus. This study assumed that one on-site digester would be installed in the University’s South Farms.