Inventory of Low-Flow Fixtures in Campus Buildings
Associated Project(s):
An updated inventory of low-flow fixtures in campus buildings was provided in June 2020. In this spreadsheet, the fixtures are organized with respect to the building, room number, use description, and more.
This document will be continuously updated by David Boehm and his team, as there are approximately 424 additional items to investigate at this time.
Please see the attached file to review the inventory/
The F&S Plumbing shop plans to begin installation of the 1.6-gallon units on 1/2/2019. The F&S Plumbing shop came up with an estimate to replace all the toilets (12) and four urinals at the Undergraduate Library with 1.6-gallon per flush units. It would be around $5500. The material is over $3000 the rest would be labor.
The Student Sustainability Committee allocated $5,715 to install dual flush valves at the Undergraduate Library.
This proposal directly funds:
Most of the toilets at ISR are original to the building and consume 3 gallons per flush. A limited number have been replaced with the 1.6 gallon per flush. - Bryan Johnson