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Projects Updates for Seek External Grant Funding for Implementation
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- Associated Project(s):
grant option
Associated Project(s):
Embedding equity in city resilience plans/programs
costs associated with virtual events, convenings, and workshops, including community engagement programs or processes, trainings for city staff or elected officials, and regional convenings.
Plans for a virtual solar farm tour
Associated Project(s):Morgan White (F&S) and Mathew Hagaman (ISU) are collaborating on a virtual solar farm tour, funded through an ISEIF grant being coordinated by Mr. Hagaman at ISU. The virtual tour is starting with Solar Farm 1.0, with a site visit on 7/30/2020.
Dads Association grant program
Associated Project(s):The Dads Association activities to help fund and aid worthy projects that promote the safety, guidance, care and well being of students attending the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. Grants in the amount of $500 - $2,000 will be awarded, for the 2016-2017 academic year, based on need as determined by the Dads Association. RSOs and not for profit associations that have projects or programs requiring financial support are encouraged to apply. Application deadline is May 13, 2016.
Please visit
for more information and application information.
EPA grant opportunity
Associated Project(s):For those of you interested in stormwater management/water treatment/reuse - this maybe of interest
Environmental Protection Agency
FY16 Region 05 Wetland Program Development Grants
Grant Fish and Wildlife Foundation grant announcement
Associated Project(s):2015 NFWF Five Star/Urban Waters Restoration Program Invites Applications
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation is inviting applications for the Five Star/Urban Waters Restoration Program, a public-private partnership designed to develop the capacity of communities to sustain local natural resources for future generations, with a particular focus on water quality, watersheds, and the habitats they support.
The program is supported by the National Association of Counties and the Wildlife Habitat Council, in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Southern Company, FedEx, Bank of America, and PG&E. Each funder under this RFP has specific requirements for the projects they will support (see below). NFWF will match all funding sources applicable to that project’s activities, location, and project type. Grant awards will range from $20,000 to $50,000 and must be matched on a one-to-one basis with cash and/or in-kind goods and services.
1) EPA Five Star Restoration Training Program: A total of approximately $180,000 is available nationwide, in any size community, from EPA to fund projects meeting the Five Star program elements.
2) Southern Company Five Star Restoration Program: Approximately $300,000 is available from Southern Company to support on-the-ground restoration projects and outdoor conservation outreach in the company’s service area.
3) EPA and USFS Urban Waters Program: Grants totaling approximately $600,000 are available to help improve urban water quality, increase public access, and restore riparian habitat and urban forests in developed watersheds across the United States. Priority will be given to projects with an environmental justice focus or that benefit underserved and economically distressed communities in urban areas.
4) FedEx EarthSmart Outreach: Approximately $415,000 is available from FedEx’s EarthSmart Outreach program to support urban conservation and restoration. All projects must include a volunteer event for up to fifty local FedEx employees. The program will support high-quality projects in Boston; Los Angeles; San Francisco/Oakland; Chicago; Memphis; Seattle; Dallas/Ft. Worth; Newark; Washington, D.C.; Indianapolis; Pittsburgh; Miami; Colorado Springs; Philadelphia; Harrison, Arizona; Phoenix; Cleveland; Atlanta; Portland, Oregon; Lakeland, Florida; New Berlin, Wisconsin; and Akron/Uniontown, Ohio.
5) Fish Wildlife Service Urban Programs: Approximately $360,000 is available from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for projects that engage urban neighbors and foster a sense of stewardship where there are Fish and Wildlife Service lands or offices nearby (within approximately 25 miles). Priority areas could also include locations where there are existing Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnerships or established Urban Bird Treaty Cities specified by the Fish and Wildlife Service. Proposals should articulate tangible ways the Fish and Wildlife Service can become an asset to the community.
6) PG&E Nature Restoration Trust: Approximately $90,000 is available to support community-based habitat restoration and stewardship projects within PG&E’s service utility area. The trust supports projects that empower community groups, provide benefits to underserved communities, and engage with organizations that provide hands-on experiences for youth in the outdoors. In partnership with NFWF and PG&E, all grant recipients must be willing to host one media event that increases awareness of the project, facilitates partner recognition, and serves as a volunteer opportunity for PG&E employees to engage in restoration and stewardship. Projects must be based in one of the following California counties: Kern, San Luis Obispo, Sonoma, or Humboldt.
7) Bank of America: Approximately $195,000 is available from Bank of America to support community-based restoration and stewardship projects within specified geographic areas. All proposals in these areas must include a volunteer event for up to a hundred local Bank of America employees. The program will support projects in Boston; Philadelphia, San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington, D.C.
To be eligible for any of the above grants, applicants must be a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization; a state, local, or municipal government agency; an Indian tribe; or an educational institution.. Projects should be completed within one to two years of the award. For USFS urban waters funding, preference is given to projects that take place on, or directly benefit, public lands.
See the NFWF website for complete program guidelines and application instructions: Complete RFP.
Deadline: February 3, 2015 @ 11:59 p.m. EST
EPA Indoor Air and Climate Change funding
Associated Project(s):Funding Opportunity: Indoor Air Quality and Climate Change at EPA
Lewis-Burke Associates LLC – October 29, 2013
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a new solicitation focused on indoor air quality and climate change, with relatively large award sizes. The solicitation comes from EPA’s Science to Achieve Results (STAR) program, which is the most consistent program at EPA that offers extramural funding opportunities. STAR Requests for Applications (RFAs) are posted throughout the year, but they generally are infrequent and targeted. Funding topics usually are identified through EPA’s Office of Research and Development’s planning activities and are linked to EPA’s strategic plan (available at This solicitation addresses EPA’s Strategic Goal 1: Taking Action on Climate Change and Improving Air Quality; Objective 1.1: Address Climate Change; and Objective 1.2: Improve Air Quality.1
Through this solicitation, EPA is seeking proposals that will improve the understanding of the “effects of climate change on indoor air quality and the resulting health effects […] directly through a variety of mechanisms, and indirectly through adaptations in building use and design.” The solicitation notes that of priority is “the evaluation of existing guidelines for building system design or for weatherization to adapt buildings to a changing climate, against evidence of health effects related to ventilation, or at least against ventilation models and findings […] intentional and unintended changes to the indoor environment, with emphasis on actionable thresholds, that affect biocontaminants or emissions from building materials are especially of interest, if they can be related to changes in exposure or health of occupants.”
This is one of the few solicitations EPA’s STAR program has released this year; many of the planned solicitations have been withdrawn, likely due to funding uncertainty. EPA generally offers webinars for its STAR solicitations, though one has not yet been announced for this solicitation.
Letters of Intent: Not applicable.
Due Dates: Proposals are due January 23, 2014.
Total Funding and Award Size: EPA anticipates making three regular awards and three early-career awards. It will award approximately $4.5 million total, with regular awards receiving up to $1 million and early-career awards receiving up to $500,000, both over the course of three years.
Eligibility and Limitations: Non-profit academic institutions of higher education are eligible to apply.
Sources and Additional Background:
• The complete solicitation is available at
1 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (Sept. 30, 2010). FY 2011-2015: EPA Strategic Plan—Achieving Our Vision, p. 7-9. Retrieved from Files:Grant summary chart updated
Associated Project(s):Facilities and Services has been seeking grant funds for capital improvements related to sustainability since 2006. The grants received are shown on the attached file.
Attached Files:grant deadlines
Associated Project(s):Joyce Mast, at ECE, is researching funding opportunities for the solar panels for ECE and the NCPD. she provided this information.
Deadlines for submitting proposals:
1) Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity - Assuming our budget is adequate in the next state fiscal year, we may be offering this program again in September or October of this year (Wayne Hartel, Energy Program Specialist, Illinois Energy Office)
2) When I looked over the SSC-funded projects for 2012 and told Professor Krein about them, he said we should wait for the September inquiry date. He expects that we should have drawings and plans by July. I’m still looking for matching funds
3) Their initial thought was Act on Energy grants, however I advised UI probably did not qualify as UI is not a standard tariff Ameren customer (Keith Erickson)
4) Illinois Clean Energy: a) High Performance Green Buildings – Rolling Review. Submit application anytime
b) Requests for Innovative equipment replacement projects in existing buildings or
c) installations in new construction must submit a Letter of Inquiry electronically by July 16, 2013.d) Solar Photovoltaic Installation by July 16, 2013
e) Advancing Renewable Energy by July 16, 2013
I have looked at solar installations on roofs and have pictures. These would be supportive. However, we don’t have enough specific information to apply for any grant until the feasibility study results are in.
Morgan, do you have more ideas of places we can apply? Gerard?
I am eager to proceed as soon as possible. If you have further suggestions, please let me know. I could meet with you most any time.
Best regards,
Joyce Mast
Joyce Mast, Coordinator
Grainger Center for Electric
Machinery and ElectromechanicsDepartment of Electrical
and Computer Engineering
ICECF review for light funding, new DCEO grant updates
Associated Project(s):Hosted a site visit from Bob Romo at ICECF to review lighting upgrades they funded previously.
DCEO has a new grant available for Steam Trap replacement and Pipe Insulation. The F&S Maintenance Division qualifies for this grant program, so we will submit a grant request in May. Calculated funding request for the DCEO Boiler grant.
Received final award documents for DCEO EEPs grant.
Grant Modifications, Paperwork, Progress
Associated Project(s):Finished the grant modification docs for 09-466012 DCEO Large Customer ARRA grant.
Sent additional paperwork for the ICECF lighting retrofit grant to ICECF.
Received anticipation account CFOP for FY12 EEPs DCEO grant, and allocated funding to the Lighting Retrofit project.
Grants in Progress for Increased Funding
Associated Project(s):Several grants are in progress to meet iCAP goals. Staff submitted the quarterly reports for DCEO ARRA Large Customer Thermal Grant on January 5. We also requested a funding increase for this grant from DCEO and are currently waiting for their decision. F&S applied for the F-SCRAP Grant from DCEO, for $250,000 for the Large-Scale Food Waste Composting Facility, submitted January 13. Energy Services continued discussions with DCEO about FY12 Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standards (EEPS) Grant Applications. Energy Services also met for the first time with a DCEO contact about a new grant program for steam traps. We will develop a proposal to pursue the grant.