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Projects Updates for Inventory Sustainability Courses

Search tips:
  • This form will search for words in the title OR the description. If you would like to search for the same term(s) across both the title and description, enter the same search term(s) in both fields.
  • This form will search for any of the words you enter in a field, not the exact phrase you enter. If you would like to search for an exact phrase, put double quotes (") around the phrase. For example, if you search for Bike Path you will get results containing either the word Bike OR the word Path, but if you search for "Bike Path" you will get results containing the exact phrase Bike Path.
  1. Edu009 - Updating College of Business Course Descriptions - Approved

    The Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) Working Group (iWG) recently approved recommendation Edu009 from the Education iCAP Team to update College of Business course descriptions to reflect the sustainability content.

    This recommendation aligns with Objective 6.2 of the iCAP 2020: Establish a comprehensive online repository for courses and academic programs with sustainability content. 

    The College of Business shared their action plan on completing the approved recommendation (attached).

    This will be followed up on in the fall to ensure the proper implementation of the recommendation.

  2. Edu009 - Updating College of Business Course Descriptions - Successful

    On 4/1/2024, Dean of Gies College of Business, Jeff Brown, responded in favor of the Edu009 - Updating College of Business Course Descriptions recommendation with the following message:


    Please see the attached spreadsheet with the information requested by iCAP.  Thanks for the extra few days to pull all this together. And special thanks to Amanda Brantner in Gies who did all the heavy lifting.



    See the iWG assessment and transmittal of the Edu009 Updating College of Business Course Descriptions recommendation here.

    See the submission of the Edu009 Updating College of Business Course Descriptions recommendation here.

  3. Edu009 - Updating College of Business Course Descriptions - Transmitted

    On 3/16/2024, the Edu009 Updating College of Business Course Descriptions was transmitted to Dean Jeff Brown at Gies College of email with the following email. The iWG assessment is attached.


    Dear Dean Brown,


    The Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) Working Group (iWG) recently approved recommendation Edu009 from the Education iCAP Team to update College of Business course descriptions to reflect the sustainability content. This recommendation aligns with Objective 6.2 of the iCAP 2020: Establish a comprehensive online repository for courses and academic programs with sustainability content. Additional details can be found in the attached assessment.

    The Formal iCAP Procedures include a section on campus unit responsibilities upon receipt of a recommendation, and we respectfully request your response to this recommendation by March 29th. If you have any questions regarding this recommendation, please let me know. 




    Jennifer Fraterrigo


    See the Edu009 Updating College of Business Course Descriptions recommendation here.

    Attached Files: 
  4. Edu009 - Updating College of Business Course Descriptions - Submitted

    The iCAP Education team made the following recommendation on 2/11/24:


    This recommendation asks the faculty teaching ACCY 405, BUS 101, BUS 401, BADM 395, and FIN 490/580 to update their course descriptions to better reflect the sustainability content being taught. Suggested unit/department to address implementation: College of Business, specifically the Business Administration, Finance and Accounting faculty Connection to iCAP goals: 6.2 [Establish a comprehensive online repository for courses and academic programs with sustainability content.] Perceived challenges: Faculty would be required to go through the process of updating their course descriptions, but may not know what constitutes sustainability course content. Being able to disseminate course search terms may be difficult in a decentralized college. Anticipated timeline of implementation: Fall 2024.

    Attached is the iCAP Education team recommendation Edu009 Updating College of Business Course Descriptions with comments from the iCAP Education team.

  5. All UIUC sustainability course offerings

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hey Elizabeth,

    Here are the terms used to search for courses that populate the attached lists:

    sustain, enviro, ecolog, conserv, restor, climate, resilien, green, water, land, energy, solar, wind, geothermal, natur, pollut, waste, transport, wild, food, biodiversity, povert, agri, inclusiv, equit, equal, sanita, renew, hydro, recyc, greenhouse gas, global warming, ocean, fish, forest, justice, governance, peace, rights, stewardship, soil, river, reus, preserv, ozone, marine, lake, invasive, indigenous, intersectional, eutrophication, ecosystem, desertification, brownfield, aquifer, aquaculture, Anthropocene, permaculture, habitat, acidification, endangered, emissions



    Eric Green


    Good morning,


    I wanted to follow up our discussion of “sustainability classes” with the list that Eric maintains. The fall and spring lists are attached and the search terms he uses are listed below. Please reach out to Eric if you notice any classes that are missing from this list.


    A subset of these classes make up the list of classes for the Sustainability, Energy, and Environment Fellows Program minor. Those can be found here:


    Finally, the Certificate in Environmental Sustainability program that Jeff Trapp mentioned is described here: It is a graduate-level certificate.



  6. Sustainability course list!

    Associated Project(s): 


    Collaboratory-NRES-285.jpgSchedule Time: Our List of Sustainability Courses!

    Our sustainability course lists are live for Summer and Fall 2020, with hundreds of offerings across campus.

    From English to Geology to Horticulture, find a class incorporating sustainability that's right for you!

    iSEE is also accepting applications for its two educational programs: the Sustainability, Energy and Environment Fellows Program campuswide minor; and the undergraduate Certificate in Environmental Writing.

  7. archived info - previous project description

    Associated Project(s): 

    Assess existing courses to identify which courses meet specific requirements in the learning outcomes, and identify gaps for future curriculum development

    Course listings for undergraduate and graduate levels were examined to develop an inclusive list of courses related to sustainability.  An online survey of department heads was conducted in Fall 2010 which served to verify the list developed, sought feedback on perceived gaps and desired future offerings, and gained insight about the degree to which the learning outcomes are being addressed (58 departments responded out of 165). The inventory is designed to help students identify courses by several categories, including whether a course fulfills a general education requirement and whether the course is undergraduate and graduate level.  The inventory revealed more than 250 courses and can be found on the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment website. 

    The inventory conducted at the time did not distinguish between sustainability related and focused courses.  Sustainability related covers only one aspect of sustainability, i.e., economic, social, or environmental, whereas focused covers all three.