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Projects Updates for Lighting Retrofit #5

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  1. Architecture Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 618 T-12 fixtures in the Architecture Building were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 97,446 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.47 years.

  2. Animal Sciences Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 1,724 T-12 fixtures in the Animal Sciences Building were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 271,840 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.56 years.

  3. Uni High School

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 450 T-12 fixtures in Uni High School were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 70,895 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.55 years.

  4. South Studio #6

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 189 T-12 fixtures in South Studio #6 were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 48,303 hours. The simple payback for this project is 1.76 years.

  5. Illini Union Bookstore

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 153 T-12 fixtures in the Illini Union Bookstore were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 24,077 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.65 years.

  6. Education Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 1,416 T-12 fixtures in the Admin Tech Info Building were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 327,869 hours. The simple payback for this project is 1.12 years.

  7. Imported Swine Research Laboratory

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 323 T-12 fixtures in the Imported Swine Research Laboratory were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 50,918 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.56 years.

  8. Labor & Employment Relations

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 179 T-12 fixtures in the Admin Tech Info Building were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 29,829 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.48 years.

  9. Atmospheric Sciences Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 221 T-12 fixtures in the Atmospheric Sciences Building were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 34,365 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.83 years.

  10. Meat Sciences Laboratory

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 367 T-12 fixtures in the Meat Sciences Laboratory were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 66,103 hours. The simple payback for this project is 2.91 years.

  11. Horticulture Field Laboratory

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 256 T-12 fixtures in the Horticulture Field Lab were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 40,187 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.58 years.

  12. Admin Info Tech Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 687 T-12 fixtures in the Admin Tech Info Building were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 112,316 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.42 years.

  13. Art and Design Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 1,250 T-12 fixtures in the Art and Design Building were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 202,172 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.47 years.

  14. Art East Annex- Studio 1

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 703 T-12 fixtures in the Art East Annex (Studio 1) were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 112,892 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.47 years.

  15. Ceramics Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 531 T-12 fixtures in the Admin Tech Info Building were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 96,045 hours. The simple payback for this project is 2.96 years.

  16. Geological Survey Laboratory

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 225 T-12 fixtures in the Geological Survey Laboratory were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 44,856 hours. The simple payback for this project is 2.59 years.

  17. Garage/ Car Pool

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 445 T-12 fixtures in the Admin Tech Info Building were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 70,200 hours. The simple payback for this project is 2.79 years.

  18. Mailing Center

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 218 T-12 fixtures in the Mailing Center were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 33,971 hours. The simple payback for this project is 2.4 years.

  19. Police Training Institute

    Associated Project(s): 

    As part of the Lighting Retrofit #5, 604 T-12 fixtures in the Police Training Institute were replaced with more energy-efficient T-8 fixtures. This switch will incur an Annual kWh Savings of 90,436 hours. The simple payback for this project is 3.73 years.
