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Projects Updates for Rainwater Management Program

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  1. Learn About the Campus' New Rainwater Management Program

    The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign’s Rainwater Management Program showcases a future vision for the campus that emphasizes the importance of rainwater retention and replenishment. The goal is to transition from the traditional viewpoint of stormwater runoff as a maintenance issue to one that envisions rainwater as an asset to preserve, harness and celebrate. Learn more about the program’s release in a virtual forum on from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday, April 2. Preregistration is required to attend the webinar. The RMP was funded by the Student Sustainability Committee.

    Learn About the Campus' New Rainwater Management Program

    April 2, 3–4 pm

    Betsy Richardson • Facilities & Services

  2. Update from Betsy

    Associated Project(s): 

    Below is an update from Betsy Richardson:

    I am on this icap committee and an SSC grant was approved in 5/23 for this study and the project is moving forward in F&S Capital with Brent Lewis as the Project Manager. The Farnsworth consulting firm has been hired to complete the study and the engineer is currently reviewing GIS data and past university studies, and gathering additional data and discussing issues with university stakeholders. After this is complete, the engineer will prepare a draft master plan and submit to the owner for review/respond to comments, prepare a pre-final master plan/respond to owner comments, and then prepare a final master plan and submit to the owner tentatively in 12/2024.

  3. SSC Project Step 1 Approval

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi Betsy,


    On behalf of the SSC, I am glad to inform you that your Rainwater Managment Step 1 has been approved. I would like to offer my sincerest congratulations! 


    I've attached the necessary documents for your Step 2 application with a reminder that the deadline for it is on April 21. 


    The board had a few questions with regard to the budget and a more concrete timeline, which should be clarified once the Step 2 is turned in. I just wanted to give you a heads up on which sections to focus on. 


    Congratulations again and please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions, comments, or concerns. 


    Thank you,


    Liz Witek


    Hello Rainwater Management Plan team! The Student Sustainability Committee (SSC) accepted the Rainwater Management Plan grant Step 1 Application and requested the Step 2 application be completed by 4/21. I will need to submit it on Thursday 4/20 though because I am busy with Boneyard Creek Community Day (BCCD) planning activities on 4/21.


    Colleen and I have completed the Step2 application and am requesting that the team review it and provide comments to me this week. I plan to address all comments on Monday 4/17 because I will be out of the office in training on Tuesday and Wednesday and busy with BCCD on Friday.


    Brent, I was recommended to ask you to fill out the Budget and Timeline spreadsheet since you are the Planning designee for this effort, I attached a draft with what I know. I also included your name as the Financial Contact on the application. In the email below, SSC stated they have questions about the budget and a more concrete timeline which should be clarified on the spreadsheet. There are also questions under the application Financial Information section that Environmental Compliance cannot answer (highlighted yellow). If someone else in Capital needs to complete this spreadsheet and the application financial section please let me know today so I can ask for their assistance.  


    Thanks in advance for everyone’s help!


  4. Campus Rainwater Management Plan SSC Grant Application

    Hello Student Sustainability Committee. Attached is a SSC Step 1 funding application request for the campus Rainwater Management Plan. I have also included a photo of the Boneyard Creek since it is a campus waterway and the application requested one map, graphic or picture. Please contact me with any questions and thank you for considering.
