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Enhanced Bus Stops (Completed)

Recent Project Updates

  • 1/20/2013

    The bus stop at the northwest corner of Goodwin Avenue and Clark Street by the North Campus Parking Deck is slated to be enhanced with a STOPwatch kiosk.  The engineering drawings are out for review from Eva Sweeney.


Installation and maintenance of bus stops within the CUMTD jurisdictional boundaries are controlled by the MTD.  However, any bus stop on campus also gets the approval of the Architecture Review Committee.  Campus has facility standards that must be met, so F&S works with MTD to implement bus stop improvements.  In recent years, MTD and the UI have cooperated to provide power, internet, security cameras, benches, trash receptacles, new shelters, and StopWATCH kiosks to bus stops. 

No description has been provided yet.

Project Team

  • Primary Contact:

    Morgan Johnston
