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Majora Carter Workshop (Completed)

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  • 8/24/2021

    iSEE's August edition of this Zoom series will feature Alexandra Gergova, incoming Chair of the Illinois Student Government Committee on Sustainability, showing the video "Greening the Ghetto" by Majora Carter.


The University of Illinois campus hosted the "Workshop on Healthy Partnerships for a Thriving Champaign-Urbana: A University-Community Dialogue for Green Jobs and Entrepreneurship" in Spring 2012. Renowned eco-entrepreneur Majora Carter visited the campus for the workshop. An open constructive university-community dialogue was constructed through the workshop. This dialogue was meant to brainstorm creative approaches to improving the health and well-being of the community, including the environment and ecosystems that support us.

The workshop was held by the Office of Sustainability (OS), now the Insitute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE), along with several partners.

No description has been provided yet.
