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Filify 3D

Project Description

This mission for this project is to recycle used plastics into 3D printing filament to be supplied to 3D printing facilities across campus and in the Champaign-Urbana community. This example will inspire change in the community, and our business will provide employment opportunities and career stepping stones to the unemployed. 

Waste is a very pressing issue in urban communities, especially plastic waste. Today Americans discard about 33.6 million tons of plastic each year, but only 6.5% of it is recycled. This leaves a horrific impact on the environment as landfills pile up and our oceans become polluted. A sustainable solution to repurpose plastic after it is used is necessary if society is going to beat plastic waste and its terrible effects in the future.There are roughly 8,500 unemployed citizens in the Champaign-Urbana community. Many of these citizens are willing to work but lack the technical experience to gain attention from employers in an increasingly more competitive job market. This need group requires a part-time work experience that will allow them to break the cycle of unemployment as they receive the experience necessary to compete in today’s market.



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Funding Details

Student Campus Environment Fee (SCEF) - 303692
Fiscal Year Status Amount Date Operations
2017 Allocated $5,000.00 10/26/2017 Edit | Delete

SSC Basic Info

Year Started: 2017
Semester: Fall
Status: Closed
Student Led? No
Project Category: Food and Waste

SSC Project Team

Project Lead:

Wes Kramer (

Financial Advisor:

Mark Smith (

Team Members:

  • Erin McKee
  • Anan Azeem
  • Camille Garcia
  • Parth Patel
  • Brian Tyiran

Project Application

Project Award Letter

Project Scope Change

Illinois Green Fund - Student Sustainability Committee