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- ISFP Tortilla Expansion
ISFP Tortilla Expansion
Project Description
This exciting expansion to the Illinois Sustainable Food Project (ISFP) proposes to add equipment to the ISFP grain milling line that will allow for additional finished products to be made, and additional grain to be processed through our mill on campus that would otherwise be unutilized after research work is complete. Some of the products will include corn and flour tortillas, as well as tortilla chips; all made from grain grown on campus, processed in the Food Science & Human Nutrition Pilot Processing Plant (FSHN-PPP), and served at the University Dining Halls.
Much of the necessary equipment is already in place and tested. This includes everything from planting and harvesting of the grains, to cleaning and milling into flour, and producing doughs and other finished products. This year, nearly 30,000lbs of grain will be milled in the FSHN-PPP and provided to the Dining Halls, but the amount of remaining grain that could be utilized is tremendous. Necessary for this expansion is a forming and baking line for the tortillas and chips. The overall goal is to provide locally-sourced, healthy, and nutritious product for UIUC Dining to serve to the campus population, while providing an educational experience to the student body.
No description has been provided yet.
Funding Details
SSC Basic Info
SSC Project Team
Project Lead:
Financial Advisor:
Team Members:
- Juan Andrade
- Dawn Aubrey
- Jedi Brown
- Bill Davidson/Carmen Ugarte